What do you want in the comic?

by definenormal

21 years, 7 months ago

i'm excited!


by JadedJewel

21 years, 7 months ago

A lot of great idea's gang!

There are so many ideas and things tha can happen. The bank robing idea is pretty interesting along with a rival ghostbusting company.

What about not only dealing with ghost, but other things like in the show like Werewolves and Vampires.

I also would like to see the BOOGYMAN and SAMHEIN!!!!!!

by CadillacBrougham

21 years, 7 months ago

for the comic, i would love to see how peter and dana grew apart. i want to see what happened to walter peck after the stay puft bust. but mostly, i would like to see the ecto-1 in every issue.

by lordvego1

21 years, 7 months ago

Hmmmm… what about a rival Ghostbusting buisness?? That might be cool for an issue

I would say along those lines, but really more like the whole Flip Side thing…with a ghost version of the GBs…

oh yeah, Samhaine and Boogie too

by AdamBestler

21 years, 7 months ago

I am kind of hoping they will add references to fan-made GB franchises.

by boholbrook1

21 years, 7 months ago

I want to see the at least one of the boys beat the living shit out of Walter Peck. That would make my day. Hopefully Venkman would do it.

by jay_tigran1

21 years, 7 months ago

Intresting idea Bo, I think bringing back Peck would be an awesome thing to happen, and having Venkman come, see, and kick his ass would be awesome.


21 years, 7 months ago

I wanna see RGB (seasons 1 &2) type stories with the movie realism. Also, like to see NYC try to capitalize on their business by forming their own official GBs. And hey, with our current money troubles, the idea is more feasable now than it was when I concocted it back in 98!


21 years, 7 months ago

I'd like to see the ghostbusters bust ghost in other locations than just the NYC area all the time. Maybe they are on vacation some place and stumble onto mysterious hautings and try to sovle the mystery behind the hauntings. I'd like to see the hook and trap of the ghost in China Town from the 1st movie that was deleted from the film.
I'm so excited; I can't wait to see the comic!

by lordvego1

21 years, 7 months ago

I'd like to see the ghostbusters bust ghost in other locations than just the NYC area all the time. Maybe they are on vacation some place and stumble onto mysterious hautings and try to sovle the mystery behind the hauntings.

you want a scooby comic?