What do you want in the comic?

by petervenkmanfan1

21 years, 7 months ago

Sorry if I was being a jackass about the whole thing when it comes to Peter in the series. It just steams me though how some people can only see certain characteristics of people even if a person happens to be fictional. I'm in no way pointing a finger at you Dr. Riddle, it's just that posts where Peter's only looked upon as a conman remind me of posts that were discussed on the old GBN and how unfair they were about Peter. Like I said I'm a die hard RGB Venkman fan to the core and just like female RGB Egon fans sticking up for Egon in anyway I always do the same when it comes to Peter. Silly I know, but oh well. Anyway, I just wanted to make sure you weren't thinking I was pointing a finger at you or anything Dr. Riddle.

by ghostbustergirl1

21 years, 7 months ago

Doc Fritz
This is the last I'll say about the Egon/Janine matter in this thread: they got it right the first time, namely GB1

The vast majority of the Ghostheads who express an opinion on the matter agree that what they did to her in GB2 was a grotesque mistake and an abberation, and restarting with GB1 provides an opportunity to undue the mistakes made by both RGB (no mention of Dana, too much Slimer) and GB2 (Janine/Louis).

And don't even try to throw that “But Harold Ramis says…” justification in my face. Harold screwed up there. The fandom as a whole knows it. The writers of the Ghostbusters cartoons and earlier comic books knew it. Only he and EgonsBabe are about the only ones who don't realize that. Even after all these years, it's still aggrivating to think that Egon's “Dad” tried to fix his girl up with another man.

(*_*) (*_*) Ok, here's my two cents on THAT subject (for what it's worth….I supposed I should brace myself for the coming attack….). How in the world can you say that Harold Ramis screwed up??? Him and Dan Aykroyd are the REASON there is a Ghostbusters universe today, and if people don't agree with the way it was all written how can they truly call themselves fans? The comic may start from the end of GB1, but why does that mean the ORIGINAL WRITERS screwed up? Even if there were no Egon, I think Janine and Louis are CUTE together, and that they make a fabulous couple. That was one of the best couple-making decisions Harold and Dan made for the GB universe, and I applaud them for it. And that has NOTHING to do with my being a die-hard Egon girl either!! The comic will be great no matter what, but it's just plain WRONG to say the GB writers messed up; without them GB wouldn't even EXIST guys!! And besides, Harold Ramis knew the Egon/Janine thing could never work because of the incompatibility of the two characters. Louis is much more her speed, and they're so cute together!! Right EgonsBabe?? Sorry to respond so late to this, but I just now read all this tonight and HAD to say something in defense of Harold and “my sistah” EgonsBabe. Not another peep from me about it on this thread….'nuff said.

by DocFritz

21 years, 7 months ago

Never has being a gentleman (or a reasonable facsimile) been so difficult…I'm biting my knuckles so hard they're bleeding…
:-@ (o_O) :@

I will allow myself to say this: Harold Ramis is a creative genius. That doesn't mean he's always 100% right about everything.

by petervenkmanfan1

21 years, 7 months ago

I also gotta say that I also would like to see in the comic is Dana not in it as much. What I mean by that is yeah she can be in it, but have her slowly move out of the GB's and Peter's lives. It makes things so much more interesting when Pete has more options to go with for a potential love interest. That's one of the reasons I love RGB so much was that Pete was never tied down to one woman. I also loved acting as if the women Pete tried charming and turning him down could hear me with me telling them (the women) they were nuts for not falling for him, lol. Anyway as far as the not being tied down thing goes I know he wasn't tied down to Dana in both movies either, but he was tied down to her in the sense that the two of them did have a good bit of history by GB 2. Besides I just never thought Dana seemed right for Peter. Anyway, that's just something else I'd like to see in the comic book is Dana slowly leaving being in Peter's life.

by protoK

21 years, 7 months ago

personally i think dana needs to be the first couple issues or at least mentioned. At the end of the 1st movie you clearly see that they are in love or some form of it. now that wont evaporate overnight. although the multiple love interest makes for good storylines, Dana will have to be addresed
on another topic i would like to see a malfunction in the equipment and then actually get to see egon and ray working on them showing the packs innards

by petervenkmanfan1

21 years, 7 months ago

Yeah I agree Dana should be mentioned or be in the first couple of issues, but as far as Peter goes multiple love interests would make storylines much more interesting. Plus like I said before when it all came down to it I just didn't feel like Dana and Peter were right for each other. But anyway, I thought putting in the stories on the RGB series worked great with Peter trying to charm various women he met or came into contact with and not being tied down to one woman. It was also great because like I said before all of us female RGB Venkman fans could act as if the women who turned Pete down were nuts for doing so, hehe. So there for I think it would be great since the comic is starting after GB 1 to not have Peter tied down to Dana.

by EgonsBabe

21 years, 7 months ago

And here's my response to GBgirl's last post: AMEN SISTER!!!!!!!!!

by Kingpin

21 years, 7 months ago

Peter I can understand, Dana leaves with the ‘stiff’ until GB2.

by LadyJay

21 years, 7 months ago

Dana will be there.

Part of the first movie was Peter winning Dana over.
It would be just silly to not have them together.

by petervenkmanfan1

21 years, 6 months ago

I understand that part of the movie was Peter winning Dana over, but it would just be no fun to have Peter tied down to one woman. Besides the two of them did split up at some point because Dana brings up used as ‘the old ball and chain’ to Peter in GB 2. Anyway, I just would want things to be a bit more interesting with Peter pursuing other potential love interests in the comic kinda like the way he met various women (what they thought of him is a different matter) on the series.

If Dana does happen to be there though, DRAT! (;_ :-( , lol