What does everyone have planned for this Halloween

by Vigo_The_Carpathian

17 years, 5 months ago

For me I plan to dress as the creepy goth sitting next to marilyn manson on the couch in the tainted love video and I've got it very well down packed as for the house the kiddies can have as much candy as they want if they can make it to the front door muhahaha

by Ecto_Dude

17 years, 5 months ago

'nuff said.

by Kingpin

17 years, 5 months ago

Mad scientist for my University's Halloween bash (which isn't on Oct 31st), helping mum out with the Trick or Treaters on Halloween night.

by Vigo_The_Carpathian

17 years, 5 months ago

that mask looks like one of those creatures from the resident evil movie nice only if you have the rest that would be a great costume

by Kingpin

17 years, 5 months ago

that mask looks like one of those creatures from the resident evil movie nice only if you have the rest that would be a great costume

Bah! There were lickers before the movie!

by JerseyDevil

17 years, 5 months ago

I was thinking of dropping my treats from the 2nd story into the trick or treaters bags. Make em earn that candy! This prevents these greedy kids grabbing handfulls after you tell them: “Take one, please.” :p

by Kingpin

17 years, 5 months ago

I was thinking of dropping my treats from the 2nd story into the trick or treaters bags. Make em earn that candy! This prevents these greedy kids grabbing handfulls after you tell them: “Take one, please.” :p

There's a simpler solution: You dish out the candy, don't let them dig in! We usually fill a bag with sweets and then give each person a piece.

by Addiemonster

17 years, 5 months ago

I love the backwards logic of trick or treating. We spend all this time teaching our kids not to accept candy from strangers, and then we take them right to the strangers for some candy.


Not that I really have a problem with it, just a funny thought I had.

As for myself, I have no idea. I would like to go as a Ghostbuster, but I need to make a jumpsuit/pack, and there's just no time with classes and whatnot lately. Maybe next year. I'll probably just go to a friend's place or something and watch some movies and play videogames. Not much of a holiday person unless I can properly get in on the fun, you know?

by BigMac

17 years, 5 months ago

This Halloween is going to be really different for me

Mostly because I’m no longer in school so I don’t need to beg my mom to call me in sick for school the next morning but also too I have my first car now so I can go where ever I want to get candy. Plus I have a Wireless FM Transmitter in my car so I can play the Ghostbusters theme song really load as I drive around, too bad my car is no ECTO-1

It’s going to be weird trick or treating at age 19 :p

As for my costume I’m going as an army solder, I know army soldiers get boring but I have the real deal stuff here “no fake costume gear”. I really do have big black leather steel toe military boots, O.D. green coveralls and a full face gas mask “that really works”. I ordered all of it off a military surplus website long ago, I knew it would come handy someday

I wanted to go as one of the gang members from GTA III but I don’t have any of the cloths to do it with, definitely next year though

by Kingpin

17 years, 5 months ago

This Halloween is going to be really different for me

Mostly because I’m no longer in school so I don’t need to beg my mom to call me in sick for school the next morning but also too I have my first car now so I can go where ever I want to get candy. Plus I have a Wireless FM Transmitter in my car so I can play the Ghostbusters theme song really load as I drive around, too bad my car is no ECTO-1

It’s going to be weird trick or treating at age 19 :p

As for my costume I’m going as an army solder, I know army soldiers get boring but I have the real deal stuff here “no fake costume gear”. I really do have big black leather steel toe military boots, O.D. green coveralls and a full face gas mask “that really works”. I ordered all of it off a military surplus website long ago, I knew it would come handy someday

I wanted to go as one of the gang members from GTA III but I don’t have any of the cloths to do it with, definitely next year though

There anything you could go as that might not get you shot at and/or arrested?