What does everyone have planned for this Halloween

by BigMac

17 years, 5 months ago

No. Other stuff gets boring, gang members and army solders is cool and unique.

Although people do go as army soldiers their usually little kids and you can tell its fake military supplies. I’m for real, everything but the weapons

Ghost, Zombie, Clown, Super Hero, exe. Costumes are too common I want to do something different this year, in the past I didn’t even bother to dress up but now it’s time for change

When I do go as a GTA III gang member it’s going to be hard to decide who to be, I’ll probably choose to be a Yardie member but a Mafia member, or Cartel member would be cool too. But I have to next year to decide (*peter)

by Vigo_The_Carpathian

17 years, 5 months ago

I love the backwards logic of trick or treating. We spend all this time teaching our kids not to accept candy from strangers, and then we take them right to the strangers for some candy.


Not that I really have a problem with it, just a funny thought I had.

As for myself, I have no idea. I would like to go as a Ghostbuster, but I need to make a jumpsuit/pack, and there's just no time with classes and whatnot lately. Maybe next year. I'll probably just go to a friend's place or something and watch some movies and play videogames. Not much of a holiday person unless I can properly get in on the fun, you know?

Never thought of it like that before and btw bigmac I like your idea for the GTA costume

by BigMac

17 years, 5 months ago

Thanks, I knew someone would like that idea

The only problem with it is that unless you dress to look exactly like the person in GTA III people won’t get it, or at least I don’t think they will

The reason why I think I’ll dress up like a Jamaican Yardie is that all I need is a black hooded sweat shirt, brown pants and vest, and some makeup to make my skin color darker and then I’m all set

I already have hair long enough to make dread locks and I have a Rasta hat that looks just like the one in the game, actually that’s why I bought the Rasta hat on ebay a few weeks ago, looks just like the one in GTA III “very rare to find”

I know it's kind of small and hard to see clearly but the person in the brown pants standing closest to the car is the person I’m probably dressing up as next year, that's a Yardie

I think it would also be funny to dress up like the main character you play as in GTA III it would be easy too; all you need is green cargo pants, black jacket, and black shirt

by Vigo_The_Carpathian

17 years, 5 months ago

I think it would also be funny to dress up like the main character you play as in GTA III it would be easy too; all you need is green cargo pants, black jacket, and black shirt
Yes his costume would be very easy for me to do I already have the facial characteristics

by BigMac

17 years, 5 months ago

Yes his costume would be very easy for me to do I already have the facial characteristics
That sounds awesome, you should get a baseball bat or toy gun or something to go along with it :-)

And if you wear a Hawaiian shirt and blue jeans you become the main guy from GTA Vice city, it’s the same guy from GTA III just him in the 80's

by newrecruit1

17 years, 5 months ago

There anything you could go as that might not get you shot at and/or arrested?

No. Other stuff gets boring, gang members and army solders is cool and unique.
Ghost, Zombie, Clown, Super Hero, exe. Costumes are too common…

You know, “clown, zombie, super hero” and “gangster” are not very different from each other. “Gangsters” act like “kids”, so they're like “clown” in society; they're also emotionally too numb to understand or care about their actions/consequences in life, they're like “zombies”; with their weapons, they feel superpower, so they join together like some “superheros”; at the end - that's when they never gave themselves a kick in the butt to grow up and develope their inner qualities- most of them are killed, making them “ghosts”.

GB3, the hunt for the gangsters's soul! :-) :-) :-)

Come on, walking the streets with a baseball bat, a crowbar, or a fake gun… and knowing all the nightmare those blind streetgangs are doing, that's like dressing as Hitler for Halloween!

by BigMac

17 years, 5 months ago

that's like dressing as Hitler for Halloween!
That reminds me of a Halloween episode of South Park where Cartmann dressed like Hitler for Halloween :-)

But don’t get me wrong, I don’t like what real gang members do to society, I just think it would be cool to dress like the ones in GTA III. People dress up like the characters from other video games like World of War Craft and stuff. I just think it would be funny to do the same with GTA video games. Don’t worry I’m not going to act like a gang member on Halloween just dress like one

Halloween is that one time of the year when you can be someone different even if that someone different is a bad figure in society… I think (*peter) . I don’t think what I’m doing will offend anyone. But you know people these days getting offended by everything. But no they can’t do anything anyways I’ll just say I was dressing as a Jamaican who’s into the Rasta style

by newrecruit1

17 years, 5 months ago

Halloween is that one time of the year when you can be someone different even if that someone different is a bad figure in society… I think

I owe you an apology, you're damn right (*peter)
I didn't start to read your last message that I received its meaning (call that paranormal (*winston) )
What's vampires, monsters, warriors, and the other movie characters that I don't need to mention but killers?
Why would I focus on one thing when there's everything…

But you know people these days getting offended by everything

Well, when you get older, hear and live things, you just want things to get better. Sometimes in spite of the puzzle the world is in.

Hey, I'm not different, I was a ghostbuster last year, aren't they stoping the spiritual road of a soul when they trap him? (*winston)

Really, that can be a sin equal to killing, in someone else's head! :-O

Enjoy your Halloween (*peter)

by BigMac

17 years, 5 months ago

I owe you an apology, you're damn right (*peter)
No that’s ok, I understand what you mean

Halloween is a very confusing thing, it’s basically reverse psychology like what Addiemonster said

I love the backwards logic of trick or treating. We spend all this time teaching our kids not to accept candy from strangers, and then we take them right to the strangers for some candy.

We all hate the idea of Killers, Monsters and other bad things but yet on Halloween we dress like them and walk around. I guess that’s what supposed to make Halloween scary, seeing things we would ordinarily fear to see like Killers, Ghosts, Zombies, Army Soldiers, Gang Members, and other bad things walking around the streets.

by Kingpin

17 years, 5 months ago

But don’t get me wrong, I don’t like what real gang members do to society, I just think it would be cool to dress like the ones in GTA III. People dress up like the characters from other video games like World of War Craft and stuff.

True, however those costumes don't look like normal street clothes, if you were dressed as Link, Master Chief, Jak etc. they'd obviously not be normal civvies. If the heroes of GTAIII and Vice City were more unique then it'd be different but they're deliberately bland and as such don't really seem to work that well as a Halloween costume idea, at least not compared to others…