i think the third movie would be hilarious if they had a camera man trying to keep up with the guys, or getting in the way
you know venkman would love the attention!
a graphic that says THE “REAL” GHOSTBUSTERS and the catchy gb jingle is on the screen then……
(THREW CAMERA VIEW) walking into the firehouse.it is a really busy place with new recruits running around holding smoking traps and weird equipment, Students racing up stairs to get to egons class on time,janine's secretaries answering phones, Venkman playing cards with slimer.
All of a sudden the bell rings and a few recruit s jump into the car. the camera gets into the car. they are about to take off when peter jumps in and looks in the camera.
Peter “I'm not about to let these newbies get any air time”
recruit “peter, you come on jobs anymore”
Venkman looks at the camera and smiles
Peter “Ah, yet another confused recruit, it is why i became a ghostbuster”
WOULD BE AWESOME what do you think