What gives?

by megax111

15 years, 3 months ago

Okay first off, does Skanker still post here, or anyone who worked on the game?

I have been wanting to get into MP, but I realize the achievements are glitched.

PS3 received a patch, so why haven't the 360 owners of GBTVG?

Has anyone found out when we're supposed to get the patch, and why we haven't yet?

Who can we contact to let know the achievements are glitched?

by jay_tigran1

15 years, 3 months ago

Okay first off, does Skanker still post here, or anyone who worked on the game?
I have been wanting to get into MP, but I realize the achievements are glitched.
Doesn't mean you can't play
PS3 received a patch, so why haven't the 360 owners of GBTVG?
Hard to say, maybe something to do with Sony themselves
Has anyone found out when we're supposed to get the patch, and why we haven't yet?
Who can we contact to let know the achievements are glitched?
I'm pretty sure they know

by skankerzero

15 years, 3 months ago

your best bet is to probably bug customer service about it.

by lionheart1

15 years, 3 months ago


In case you don't feel like digging around Atari's site but still wanna bug people. ;D