***hope this makes sense lol***
hey guys since its rather unlikely that we see another ghostbusters I thought we could play a little game Smile .
It would be each person says an event of what happened directly after GB2 all the way up to present or you can talk as a character, but here is the tricky part you can only say one set of events or speech of a character, or you can describe a bust of your own choosing, but the next person has to say what happened next, here is what i mean if it sounds confusing….
Also you can talk like your the character Like for person 3
I think this could be fun its kinda like a RPG but without the pens, dice and just messed up rules
Person 1: After the end of GB2 They left the thank you ceremony at liberty island and headed back to the firehouse.
Person 2: as soon as they got there, Egon decided he would do a sweep of the painting that was left after they defeated Vigo, just to make sure it is safe.
Person 3: (talking as Pete) Well that is all well and good Egon But I have a very important meeting with a client.
Person 4: (Talking as Ray) You really need to quit refering to dana as a client she was a client 5 years ago and then she ended up as a dog, so good work.
Person 5: just then a call came in, Egon grabbed the info sheet from janine and they guys headed back into the ecto-1.
Person 6: (As Louis) Hey wait for me! Iam a ghostbuster now
Also I want to kind of stay away from the cartoon, I mean you can introduce the characters/villians but In a way that kind of stays true to the movie.
So lets start it off any takers and please be serious (^_^)