What happened to the 88MPH GB Legion trade?

by GB3

15 years, 8 months ago

I guess my post would be for Chad.
I remember Chad acquiring the leftover stock of the 88MPH stuff of lithos and the Legion trades (not too be confused with the fiasco of the Legion hardcover) if I'm not mistaken. I put in an order through my local comic store through Diamonds Previews. I know I won't be getting it this way. It was stated these did exist but how or when they'd be distributed was the question. But now that the Lithos seem to be coming to be distributed again, I wanted to ask what about the Legion trade? It seems on the other thread about the lithos all reference to the Legion trade has vanished. I'm wondering if this is because of the GB comic rights are with IDW Comics? Is it a legal thing the reason the Legion book is not to be mentioned or does it not exist? I'm sorry if this is supposed to be hush hush, but I thought I'd ask about this and the situation with the book, if exists. If Chad reponds to this would be great, but I also don't want to 'cause any legal problems.

by ajquick1

15 years, 8 months ago

Actually Chad is supporting the theif that took everyone's money by purchasing the lithographs which also never got released. The lithos will be destributed right here on GBN.. that is.. if they are infact real.

by Kingpin

15 years, 8 months ago

AJ Quick;151565
Actually Chad is supporting the theif that took everyone's money by purchasing the lithographs which also never got released. The lithos will be destributed right here on GBN.. that is.. if they are infact real.

I'm not sure of the specifics as I'm not privvy to them, but if anyone would be winning out of it it would be the customers who paid for a copy of the book but never received one.

by newrecruit1

15 years, 8 months ago

And I will add this: the responsible of your frustration always had/have good intentions; life, sometime, turns things against us. You can bet that the man, by the fact that he is working with Chad, feels the responsability of satisfying the fans… that is all I will say about this.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 8 months ago

And I will add this: the responsible of your frustration always had/have good intentions; life, sometime, turns things against us. You can bet that the man, by the fact that he is working with Chad, feels the responsability of satisfying the fans… that is all I will say about this.

I wouldn't nessecarily say that…that could be a stretch.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 8 months ago

And I will add this: the responsible of your frustration always had/have good intentions; life, sometime, turns things against us. You can bet that the man, by the fact that he is working with Chad, feels the responsability of satisfying the fans… that is all I will say about this.

That's DEFINITELY a stretch.

The guy flat out lied to the fanbase you say he feels responsibility to. He told people he would deliver a product, and took money for that product. Then when his business started to fail, and people started asking for refunds, he avoided them. He didn't respond to their e-mails, or requests for refunds. Some people were lucky enough to manage to get refunds, but others he flat out told them “No” when they asked for a refund.

I don't doubt he is a fan of the franchise, and that he was ambitious, and that he would have loved for it to work out… but to say he's responsible, or that he feels responsibility is by far giving the man too much credit. You don't take people's money, that they are trading to you for a product, and use that money to finance the printing of said book, but when unexpected charges and things come up that you have to have a lot of money going out the door all of a sudden (the whole deal with him owing money on the Transformers book), you don't take the money people gave you for a Ghostbusters product and use it for those charges and things, and then tell people they can't have their money back, and then disappear and not answer any e-mails or anything.

by thedavetini

15 years, 8 months ago

I think he should have said “look I fucked up, let me make it up to you”

Make a paperback version, include the animation cells hes trying to sell and include a very long apology letter instead of “oh well you're not getting your money”

by muthapussbucket1

15 years, 8 months ago

No, the Seb ship has sailed.

Chad is getting whatever he can from him and I fail to see the problem with that.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 8 months ago


Is the item above what you guys are talking about or a special edition version?

That's the collection put out by Titan Books in the UK. It was never printed anywhere else, and that was not printed by 88 MPH and didn't include the intro by Dan Aykroyd.