What happened to the 88MPH GB Legion trade?

by doorman

15 years, 7 months ago

by Kingpin

15 years, 7 months ago

It wasn't a case that 88MPH “couldn't put it out”, he just didn't put it out.

by Spengs85

15 years, 7 months ago

And I will add this: the responsible of your frustration always had/have good intentions; life, sometime, turns things against us. You can bet that the man, by the fact that he is working with Chad, feels the responsability of satisfying the fans… that is all I will say about this.

Errrrr NO.

I dunno if you know this or not, but Clavet had done this EXACT thing before.

He offered a preorder for a book, took people's money then sent them NOTHING in return, niether refunds nor product. He did it with Transformers: Genesis and then HE DID IT AGAIN with Ghostbusters: Legion.

it's a shame that word about the Transformers Genesis debacle didn't make to you guys when he was taking preorders for the Legion hardcover (or maybe it did and some of you chose to give him “the benefit of the doubt” regardless). Might have saved a lot of you folks a lot of money if it had.

Clavet has done this sort of thing to people TWICE now. The man is either a complete crook or the most incompetent business man in the comics industry outside of Pat Lee.

I really don't see how anyone can defend him.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 7 months ago

No matter how incompetent of a business man Clavet is…he will never trump Pat Lee.

Anyway…my memory is a little fuzzy but wasn't everything that was going on with the release of the TF book going on at the same time as the Legion TPB fiasco as well

by GB3

15 years, 7 months ago

I'm always confused about the Clavet and the TF book debacle? Even from reading the wiki entry, it doesn't make sense to me. I mean I own that Transformers book. I guess the process of how it actually came to print might be the issue. Like how Image comics came along and saved it possibly? Other than that I'm still a little confused what was the problem with Hasbro and Clavet. Or is it the fact that it seems like it almost didn't come out?
Still no one or Chad himself has stated anything about an answer to my topic thread. Everyone still seems to be thinking about the 88MPH GB Legion hardcover for 2005. I'm asking about the 88MPH GB Legion trade paperback (for late 2007 release) that apparently was printed up, according to Chad himself and speculated by everyone else on these boards in early 2008 when he acquired the remainder 88MPH stock of products which included the lithos. Thats what I'm asking about. Is there any light to be shed about that trade? Am I wrong about this or is my memory incorrect about the facts of the books existence? Does anyone remember about the trades possible existance on these boards?

by Spengs85

15 years, 7 months ago

I'm always confused about the Clavet and the TF book debacle? Even from reading the wiki entry, it doesn't make sense to me. I mean I own that Transformers book. I guess the process of how it actually came to print might be the issue. Like how Image comics came along and saved it possibly? Other than that I'm still a little confused what was the problem with Hasbro and Clavet. Or is it the fact that it seems like it almost didn't come out?

Copies of “Transformers Genesis” were shipped to stores via Diamond, but in limited quantities. The ones that were ordered through 88MPH's website were not shipped and refunds were not issued.

I have a copy of “Genesis” that I got from my comic shop (who, incidentilly, only received enough to fill Diamond preorders; none for the shelves). Because of the scarcity of the book's release, it can ocassionally be found on eBay for ridiculous prices (saw it going for $200+ once).

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 7 months ago

As far as the TF art book is concerned…I am one of the unfortunate few who came upon the books existance after the debacle and want a copy…just not enough to pay outrageous prices for it

by GuyCC

14 years, 11 months ago

So whatever happened to Clavet? Did he just disappear off the face of the Earth? That is/was such a bizarre scenario. I take it he doesn't bother showing up here anymore.

Five years later, I never recovered my money from Graham Crackers. I probably need to see if I can get a refund still.

At least we got the whole four parts of the story, so we weren't left on some annoying cliffhanger.

by Kingpin

14 years, 11 months ago

He pops up once in a blue moon on one of the community sites, never to try make up for how things ended, or to announce that the trade paperback was finally going to be printed.

by Swift_Justice

14 years, 11 months ago

Five years later, I never recovered my money from Graham Crackers. I probably need to see if I can get a refund still.

Graham Crackers is still doing refunds. I contacted them last August and used the money to buy other comics from them. Fire off an e-mail with your order number. I had no problems and great service as always from them.