What happened to the site?

by Pagz

20 years, 3 months ago

OKay, I'm sure it's been asked before, but my searches on the board have turned up nothing, so I'm gonna ask. What the heck happened to Ghostbusters.net? what's the “archive” business? Why does the store no longer work? Is the site just over? said and done, the end, finito, asta la vista? that's too bad. There were some awesome shirts in the store, I was gonna grab some for xmas pressies. Oh well. Anyway, I'm just curious what happened.

by gbmasterman

20 years, 3 months ago

It was archived because it was no longer going to be updated. There was some usefull info still on the site, so instead of pulling it off the web, Chad archived it instead.

by whoyougonacall

20 years, 3 months ago

asta la vista?

its Hastala vista and that means see you later

sorry i nit pick lol

so why dont you get someone who will update it insted of just craping on us thats wack i got Fanfics that i want to add that is so wack

by Pagz

20 years, 3 months ago

Is it just that the webmaster doesn't want to update the site anymore? or is it a lack of ghostbuster news? or something else entirely. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad the site is still available, it just seems to me that there wasn't any real need to just pack it in and archive it. and if that is what is finally decided upon, a notice on the front page would be nice, so people (like me) know what's going on. It's s shame about the store being closed though, those t-shirts were sweet.

by gbmasterman

20 years, 3 months ago

He probably didn't put a notice because it says archive. You click archive to get to the site. Archive meaning unupdated, closed, etc.

by Pagz

20 years, 3 months ago

Well of course. But that still doesn't explain why does it. I'm more interested in knowing why the site was archived and if it's ever coming back.

by gbmasterman

20 years, 3 months ago

I think the main reason being that he didn't have time to do updates anymore since he had several other sites to tend to.

by whoyougonacall

20 years, 3 months ago

hmmm i wonder if he could do what i had suggested a couple posts above!

like get some one who will up date the site!

by gbmasterman

20 years, 3 months ago

I think he just wants to keep it archived for now. There is another site like gb.net, it's ghostbustershq.com It has updates on news when it happens, a message board, and a ton of other stuff.

by NetSolo

20 years, 2 months ago

I think he just wants to keep it archived for now. There is another site like gb.net, it's ghostbustershq.com It has updates on news when it happens, a message board, and a ton of other stuff.

Yeah man, it's wack.