What Has Happened In Your Life Since You Ordered Your Book?

by GuyCC

18 years, 1 month ago

Not totally comic related, and yet….

I'm just curious to see what has happened since everyone originally ordered their hardcover book. Not being a complainer, just more curious about how people's lives have changed since they first made their initial purchase.

Moved four times (into a house next month).
Had a bad relationship which ended.
Ended up in a good relationship which has lasted about a year and a half.
Worked four jobs.
Vacationed in Las Vegas four times (a lot of “fours”, isn't it?).
Vacationed to Texas twice.
Got a dog.
Got a Wii.
Paid off almost all of my bills.
Completely overhauled my car.
My Grandmother passed away.

Those are the biggest for me. So what's happened for you? And have you still held onto your order after all this time? For me, yes.

by theo1361

18 years, 1 month ago

lets see
went to ground combat school
deployed to iraq
broke up with 2 girls
had my grandpa and grandma die not at the same time
visited 4 different countrys
bought a new car
thats it for me

by Guido75

18 years, 1 month ago

bought my new house in Las Vegas
Won $5,000 @ the luxor playing a poker tournament
Started Paramedic School(Almost done)
Failed the firefighters exam 4 times(Fn Hard)
Celebrated my 3 year anniversary
My Uncle and Gma Died
Bought a new car
Had a drunk driver smash my ambulance

Thats it for me


18 years, 1 month ago

Moved from Ohio to Tennessee. IF the hardcover comes I already told Graham Crackers who I ordered with about the address change. They said the good it so its good now.

Went through 2 jobs and looking for another.

Got a PS3 for Christmas.

Niece was born.

Thats about it.


18 years, 1 month ago


Had a good relationship that went sour fast and turned out to be a sham from day one.
Joined a comic creator network.
Started doing creator interviews for a small publisher.
Started doing comic-themed articles for the Small Publisher's Association.
Wrapped up the first year of my GB story series and trying to get on to year 2.
Been writing scripts and plots like mad hoping to get one published.
And as of today launched the official Myspace of a very much in-demand fun little comic strip I do (www.myspace.com/prospect_park).

by spengs1

18 years, 1 month ago

A serious health problem with no cure from my teenage years resurfaced, putting my life in danger at least 2x. I've had some serious treatments in the last two years. I have to deal with my health everyday. I still have this health condition, in fact I'll be seeing my doctors today. I'd rather not say what it is here, I have talked about it before.

I completely redesigned the GBI site, then redesigned it again.

My family and I had to deal with my mom's health problems last year, thankfully she's alright.

I've had two visits with my girlfriend who lives out of state.

I reconnected with a former close friend of mine who lives out of state, we hadn't talked in two years.

We paid our then new car off.

My student loan is almost paid off, one less major bill to worry about.

I think that covers the major life stuff. (*peter)

by Kingpin

18 years, 1 month ago

Since I ordered…

* I embarked on my second visit to Manhattan, visiting both the Firehouse and 55 Central Park West, amongst other locations…

* Completed my E-Media course at Amersham College (Not a University).

* Started my Design for Digital Media course at BCUC (A University College)

* My mum went into Hospital, had surgury… and with hope, a full recovery.

* And in three days, will be celebrating my 21st Birthday.

by Sayingkingkilla

18 years, 1 month ago

Sorry, I'm new here and I don't know a wholelot about the comics. But what book do you mean?

And does anyone else find it crazy it's called 88MPH, as in relation to Back To The Future when it produces GB stuff.

by Kingpin

18 years, 1 month ago

The collected book of Ghostbusters: Legion.

And yes, it's called 88MPH due to Clavet's love and previous work in adapting 80s properties. Not crazy at all.

Not that that (some of that) info couldn't have been found with the Search

by Sayingkingkilla

18 years, 1 month ago

Oh ok, thanks man.

I mixed the name up, I was thinking 88MPH was a reference to the Back To The Future delorean traveling through time.