what i would like to see in an next gb game!

by heslimedme251

14 years, 8 months ago

I concur on the Meson Collider, though… I never really used it all that much, the Boson Dart was far more tempting.

I think I used the Meson Collider once, and that was for The Chairman. After that, I went back to using the Boson Dart. I may have used the Meson Collider to defeat the architect but I can't remember.

by jogi82

14 years, 8 months ago

I think I used the Meson Collider once, and that was for The Chairman. After that, I went back to using the Boson Dart. I may have used the Meson Collider to defeat the architect but I can't remember.

now that u mentioned it, yes!
but thats all!
i mean it would be cool to upgrade the stasis stream so u can also freeze blackslime and walk over it! if u havent that upgrade yet, u can connect 2 or 3 objects together an use that as an alternative bridge, or u upgrade the slimeblower so that slimed people can walk right through it!
i remember an episode of the real ghostbusters where some kids were chased by ghosts and slimer slimed them so the could escape through the wall! thats an idea!

by TaxiCabFloor

14 years, 7 months ago

The Meson Collider was a useful weapon but I didn't realize that til after I played the game through a few times and played more online.

The game doesn't MAKE you need to use the Meson Collider because the Boson Dart can be applied almost everywhere. They should have created a ghost that was hard to hit…so you'd have to use that feature where you hit the ghost with one shot, then use L2 for rapid fire. Or just make a ghost that can resist the proton stream.