What if...

by wesyeed1

20 years, 2 months ago

It happens. One day your browsing the web, you go to a movie news site and see the headlines “The Ghostbusters are back in the Saddle!” and you read that GB3 is slated for a 2007 or 08 release.

What would happen?

Would those against GB3 boycott the film?

Would the traffic to this site jump to record numbers?

Would everyone turn their backs to it, expecting it to flop or be a forgettable waste of film?

Of course, this is open to interpretation. You can think of it as a movie made by the original creators with all the orignal cast, an all studio film, no connections to ‘guys’, or anywhere in between.

Lets say it's an all studio film, no orginal creators attached. Bill sells the rights because they're really no use to him and so do everybody else. And they bring in a replacement cast and pretty much 89% of the movie is rehashed material.

I'd still watch it, but if the movie doesnt move me in any way whatsoever, I'd try my best to forget it existed.

I hope this isn't one of those —>(*flame)

Any thoughts?

by doctorvenkman1

20 years, 2 months ago

Well I'd probably cry out of joy by seeing that headline. But the scenario you proposed isn't gonna happen. Bill is never gonna sell his rights because they ARE of use to him. He gets money for everything that gets released that has the GB logo on it. That's a lot of money. And of course the third movie would make a lot of money as well, so he knows that people want to make a third movie, he can make a lot of money off that, he won't sell.

by rays_occult

20 years, 2 months ago

I'd go through a mixed bag of feelings. I'd cry for joy at more Ghostbusters because it'd revamp the franchise and get more merchendise ot the shores of Down Under. Then I'd cry with fear about it, thinking they'll stick Nicole Kidman in there somewhere becasue she's in frikken EVERYTHING.
How dissapointed people would be would depend on if they liked the second one or they're already fans I guess. Alot of fans don't like II, I think it's great, its funny, it extends theories raised in the first, shows nice character progression etc.
I mean, I ain't fooling no one in saying I wouldn't go see it, even if it was the biggest load of cobblers etc, but they'd have to do a pretty good job for me not to be dissapointed.
I've said it before, I'd rather they do a telly series than another movie.

by Robin

20 years, 2 months ago

I'd personally like to see an all CGI movie (like Shrek and Shrek 2). I could be a movie in RGB style–now THAT would be awsome!!

I would probably whoop for joy, print out the article, and jump around the house for hours :p

by wesyeed1

20 years, 2 months ago

Oh I didn't know that Doctor Venkman. So Murray might be making money off the new comic book? So that comic's kinda preventing a GB3 since it's a source of income for Bill? Am I right in thinking that?

And yeah that's the first thing I'd do too Robin, three backfips, three frount flips, three …. oh isn't that the perfect number …:-)

by Ecto1A97

20 years, 1 month ago

i'd kill some1 lol…… i'm be so excited i'd accidently choke some1 to death from jumpin for joy….

by AgentD

20 years, 1 month ago

I'd probably be severely suspicious until it came from the horse's mouth.

by maxhavoc2000

20 years, 1 month ago

I would attempt to do back flips but then end up landing on my head and going into a coma. Never to see GB3.

by Marduk

20 years, 1 month ago

I'd personally like to see an all CGI movie (like Shrek and Shrek 2). I could be a movie in RGB style–now THAT would be awsome!!

I would probably whoop for joy, print out the article, and jump around the house for hours :p

You know, I hadn't thought of that. Dreamworks presents The Real Ghostbusters. That might be cool, actually. I'd go see that in a heartbeat.