It happens. One day your browsing the web, you go to a movie news site and see the headlines “The Ghostbusters are back in the Saddle!” and you read that GB3 is slated for a 2007 or 08 release.
What would happen?
Would those against GB3 boycott the film?
Would the traffic to this site jump to record numbers?
Would everyone turn their backs to it, expecting it to flop or be a forgettable waste of film?
Of course, this is open to interpretation. You can think of it as a movie made by the original creators with all the orignal cast, an all studio film, no connections to ‘guys’, or anywhere in between.
Lets say it's an all studio film, no orginal creators attached. Bill sells the rights because they're really no use to him and so do everybody else. And they bring in a replacement cast and pretty much 89% of the movie is rehashed material.
I'd still watch it, but if the movie doesnt move me in any way whatsoever, I'd try my best to forget it existed.
I hope this isn't one of those —>(*flame)
Any thoughts?