by muthapussbucket1

16 years, 9 months ago

I'm posting in this thread merely to show how awesome the title is.

Caps for the win.

by Addiemonster

16 years, 9 months ago

I think they're shooting for a record for longest delayed game ever.


Duke 3D was cool, but meh @ FOREVER. (which is about how long fans have had to wait)

by muthapussbucket1

16 years, 9 months ago

I dunno.

I mean…Everyone remember Bible Adventure the NES game?

Thats like 2-4,000 years for Noah fans.

Oh I know they're out there.

by rockmx8

16 years, 9 months ago

meh if the ghostbusters can make a come back from the 80's why not duke?
WHA?????? :-O :-O :-O i knew not of this! :-O

There isn't any GB3 CGI trailer!

rockmx8 has been posting… a lot… that the Ghostbusters announcement at SDCC is a CGI feature film, even though beyond the original rumor there's nothing to confirm it.

Dude I apologize but my excitement for DNF and GB3 can't be contained. Therefore I will just take it easy as long as you guys don't doubt the high possibility of these 2 Legends returning. GB3 in CGI is going to happen, watch this Summer's comic con I'm sure they will show it there. If not then at least I will see the DNF trailer this summer from 3DR at least.

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 9 months ago

I am too cynical now a days to be THAT excited about anything. Granted I was almost that excited for Iron Man, to which I am glad was not a let down. I have come to realize that franchises in general are being handled by the wrong people. Now adays Hollywood is too intrested in raping our collective pasts and making money off of it through nostalgia instead of making a good movie script. In my Honest opinion,due to this current trend unless of course its a fluke like Transformers was….if GB movie was made now a days whether it had the original cast to the Grip operator…it will most likely stink.

The same can be said of game franchises. No matter how pretty the graphics are…if it doesn't have that spark of originality or whatever it was that drew people to the game to begin its going to be more annoying than fun. Duke Nukem: Forever is one of these games thats either going to be hit or miss….either make people go “I waited yrs for this!” or “I can't believe I waited all these yrs for this”. For those who enjoy the Duke Nukem games (which I did in grade-school) hopefully its the the former and not the latter…

by Zombie

16 years, 9 months ago

Would be great to have a new Duke game out again, Always loved that guy. He's a walking actionhero stereotype but I always get a good laugh outta his games.