What is GBI's official status on Extreme Ghostbusters?

by Sinister

22 years ago

Well, the questions is the title…

by Spengs

22 years ago

It was just a cartoon, their is nothing “extreme/xtreme” about Ghostbusting. Not to mention XGB was politcally correct. :l(

If GBI has an answer though, you'll know.

by Sinister

22 years ago

I'm curious, because a) The USF beetlejuice show is a “Extreme Ghostbusters Franchise Seminar” b) would someone be able to use EGB equipment as a franchise (not me personally, just generally) c) Would a franchise be able to take the Extreme aproach, ie… Extreme Ghostbusters East Tennesee for example, and take certain liberties with the uniform, (again not me personally).

by SpecterHarness

22 years ago

Well, believe it or not.. ETGB does have a so called “Extreme” team. They are the X-Squad. But they are fan fic only. The 2 girls and a guy got suits and stuff but they just do publicity stuff while we do the real work.

by Proton_User

22 years ago

we do the real stuff but XGB is CRAP! to me anyway!

by DocRyedale

22 years ago

Proton_User is X-actly right!

by Sinister

22 years ago

I really liked EGB (not XGB )and I don't see why a team couldn't base themselves on the EGB… Obvioulsy they wouldn't pretend to be Eduardo and Kylie etc… But using the EGB packs, the EGB name and being a slight more casual… (ie the USF EGB/Beetlejuice show) The girls uniform would be similar to Kylie's and so on and so fourth…

by Sinister

21 years, 11 months ago

I'm still looking for a reply to this… C-mon Tully!

by LouisTully

21 years, 11 months ago

OK, but remember…you asked for it.

In the 90's, there was the “Extreme” trend…remember? Everything had the extreme tag put onto it to make it seem more exciting. There were extreme sports, extreme products, heck I even seem to recall extreme tacos…

I'm afraid that GBI fell into this trend as well in an attempt to rev-up the sagging franchise by inventing the Extreme Ghostbusters. Oy!

I was never a big fan of the whole idea, and Dr. Venkman hated it (mainly because he wasn't the main character). But, XGB (or EGB, whatever) did what it was meant to do, it brought some much needed attention back to GBI.

Unfortunately, when the whole “extreme” trend fizzled out, so did the XGB. Oh well, these things happen.

I'm still trying to imagine busting ghosts in a wheelchair!

by Sinister

21 years, 11 months ago

:d Always good for a laugh!