OK, but remember…you asked for it.

In the 90's, there was the “Extreme” trend…remember? Everything had the extreme tag put onto it to make it seem more exciting. There were extreme sports, extreme products, heck I even seem to recall extreme tacos…
I'm afraid that GBI fell into this trend as well in an attempt to rev-up the sagging franchise by inventing the Extreme Ghostbusters. Oy!
I was never a big fan of the whole idea, and Dr. Venkman hated it (mainly because he wasn't the main character). But, XGB (or EGB, whatever) did what it was meant to do, it brought some much needed attention back to GBI.
Unfortunately, when the whole “extreme” trend fizzled out, so did the XGB. Oh well, these things happen.
I'm still trying to imagine busting ghosts in a wheelchair!