What Is Kaazaa & How do I make it Work:

by Jackalman99

19 years, 7 months ago

:-( Having found it I can't make it work and the man won't fix the toons on this site. Someone said they wouldn't recommend it.Why not?

by JohnnySparks

19 years, 7 months ago

because you can get in trouble for illegally downloading material…

by castewar1

19 years, 7 months ago

Or you can use it for downloading legal materials.

They probably recommended against it because Kazaa is loaded with spyware.

by Godfart

19 years, 5 months ago

My dad says Kazaa is poison for your computer. One thing that seems to work well is SoulSeek. I wouldn't recommend WinMX, it takes forever to download, and almost never works.

by fusi0n1

19 years, 5 months ago

Quite right Godfart. Kazaa is old, dirty, spyware and adware-ridden poisoning crap. Try installing it when you have Anti-Virus on your machine and it will most likely set off warning and alarm bells, and that's just installing it.

Go SoulSeek, or another new one is Limewire which I am loving. 100% purely free of adware/spyware etc. and speed hasn't let me down yet. The only p2p app that maxes out my connection. Unreal.

Plus yeah, Kazaa sucks. WinMX never did anything for me, plus whoever designed the interface must be either colourblind and love clicking the “add box” button or having no inter-face designing skills… or possibly a combination of both.

by Egons_girlfriend24

19 years, 3 months ago

I had that it crashed my system. My computer would always freezed up. You can try napster but you have to pay for that. I think you get a month's free.

I agree with the rest of you here. It is defenantly loaded with spyware.

I hate pop ups!

__Cassidy (*rant)

by KurosakiIchigo

19 years, 3 months ago

Try Ares too, it is an ad-free, file-sharing program. It can allow multiple downloading to take place. You can get it in the following link:


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