what is the correct way to attach the proton pack to the alice pack?

by ectopropbuilder

23 years, 1 month ago

what is the correct way to attach the proton pack to the alice pack?

by ecto-3

23 years, 1 month ago

I've heard that Drywall screws are a good item to use to mount the ALICE to the pack. You want to have someone hold the pack up while you attach the frame and remember the pack sits kind of high on the frame, dont center the frame.

by ProtonCharger

23 years, 1 month ago

i dont quite remember the name of it, but its copper and looks like:
_ _

i think its something used to keep wires or poles against the wall. its probably not how they originally did it, but its how i did it, and it works wonders. i had to use wood screws to put it in, seein how i used wood for the mother board bottom.

by Ghostbuster505

23 years, 1 month ago

When you buy the little insulated c-clamp it think its called to attach the ribbon cable I got like five, so I used one on the cable, and the others on the bottom portion of the pack, then I got two little thingies like a metal plate, rectangular, with a hole in each end and attached them vertically over the cross bar on the pack frame. I can send a Pic of it if you think it might help.
Its really sturdy.

by Ectoman

23 years ago

The “c” clamps are a good idea.. Norm originally suggested wire.. they appeared to have just bolted it to the mobo.. which is how I plan on doing it..

by ecto-3

23 years ago

If I had an aluminum board I WOULD WELD THAT SUCKER TO THE BOARD. We'll see how likely she is to come off then smile Actually that would look sloppy, ignore this post

by SlimeTime

23 years ago

i actually didn't use an Alice Pack. I just used the motherboard, and attached some shoulder straps from an old back pack on there. works just dandy if you are on a limited budget like i am.

by RoboProp

22 years, 12 months ago

I drilled a few select holes in the flat metal piece on the frame and through bolted it directly to the motherboard before all the other elements were added. That sucker ain't goin' nowhere!