What is wrong with Ebay people?

by OptimusFord

13 years, 11 months ago


I was going to bid on this and then I saw the shipping price $170.00 dollars!? :-O And the best part it is standard shipping, for that price it better be sent next day air lol. Epic Ebay Fail :-(

by doctorvenkman1

13 years, 11 months ago

Just reported them to eBay. That's a clear attempt to circumvent eBay Final Value fees.

Total garbage.

by JamesCGamora

13 years, 11 months ago

He's doing that with another item too:

$85 Dollars for 3 figures.

That's redonklus. I mean he even states in the description that he is doing it but covers up the fact by saying it is for a good cause. That doesn't matter. Not only is that against their TOS, but what they are worth is irrelevant. That's the breaks your take putting something up for auction. I suspect that's the scam he's pulling on the GB item as well.

I've reported him for both items.

by OptimusFord

13 years, 11 months ago

not only that I doubt that shipping goes to any charity…

sad thing is someone bought Ecto 1.