What kind of results do you think would come from Ghostbusters 3???

by GBSlimerFan

22 years, 9 months ago

I think it would probaly make then re-release both movies on DVD with ultimate editions with everything you need on a DVD, I think we would see RGB, and EGB back on T.V. I think new toys, and possible re-release of the old toys, and probaly even more movie roles for whoever joins. Thats what I think.



by Venkman

22 years, 9 months ago

or maybe none of the above, maybe the movie will suck, and we will all lose help, maybe it will do what Batman and Robin will do to the batman series, im not trying to be mean, im just bringing in all of the info

by GBSlimerFan

22 years, 9 months ago

Yes that is very very true. But lets hope it wouldnt be like that.



by QuitoVenkman

22 years, 9 months ago

My personal feelings are that GB3 would be a great addition to the Ghostbusters series and be just as funny and entertaining as the first 2 GB movies. Plus I think the technology of today will allow them to make new and improved gadgets for our Paranormal Eliminators and Investigators. Yes some people of today would not appreciate GB like we do because they were not raised watching GB but hey the movie would be entertaining for those of us who have.

by MasterSpider

22 years, 9 months ago

I know it definately wouldn't suck, all it would need is a good cast, and those making it would be able to figure that out, no prob. It would lead to pretty much around half of what was mentioned in the first post, as with the unfortunate flop of Evolution, Columbia would still be afraid of it doing bad.

by NetSolo

22 years, 9 months ago

hmmm… Dogs?

Yes dogs.

And Cats?

Yes cats.

Living together?

Absolutely. Mass hysteria.

by awhitefire

22 years, 9 months ago

Hard to say. I'd like to see a new Ghostbusters franchise open up… I'm considering starting a new one myself. Just for fun, of course. I already like the material I've been seeing on the GB Crossover board, and I'm looking forward to when Chad decides to start updating for us again.

I didn't know Evolution flopped… I didn't think it was that bad, but now that I've seen both it and the Alienators animated series I've got to say it's been interesting. Like I said, I wish they'd do some new Ghostbusters material. The Real Ghostbusters are the original and best GB series in my mind, but I've seen some impressive attempts at adding to the Ghostbusters line from the fans so I'm not convinced any more that they are the be all and end all of Ghostbusting. I can't say I'd want to see the Extreme Ghostbusters again, though. I had too many issues with it for my liking, but I did like the fact that they portrayed a female character in such a positive light. Can't say I liked the idea of a Ghostbuster in a wheelchair much, but whatever floats your boat… wink smile

by venkman69

22 years, 9 months ago

As I mentioned earlier on the GB Message Board, both Ghostbusters movies grossed almost $500,000,000 combined. What the hell is Columbia's problem?? Cant they see that a 3rd could and probably would out gross both of those movies and net them a massive profit??? I believe Ghostbusters grossed the most money for the cast and directors involved in the movies out of all the movies they'd made and i think it would really cement their reputations if GB3 grossed as much as GB1. People are too willing to suggest that GB3 would be a flop. Why? Lots of people go to see movies for the heck of it, and people i know who arent even GB fans are always asking me if GB3 will come out. When i say no, they always respond by saying that a Gb3 movie would be cool. Take a look at Bill Murray, Aykroyd and the others. Their careers arent really going anywhere. GB3 would bring them back into the spotlight and would definetly elevate their careers again. O well, thats my 2 cents.

by GBSlimerFan

22 years, 9 months ago

I think it would be the best thing for there career right now.



by Ghostbuster_D

22 years, 9 months ago

Ya know, The first two Jurassic Park movies wer pretty awesome, but the third one sucked. I think that Ghostbusters 3 would do better, but the people at Sony might think “If JP3 did terrible, why wouldn't GB3”. That's one of the many reasons why JP3 was a bad idea.