What kinda graphics programs do you use?

by inebriantia

17 years, 6 months ago

So what type of graphics programs does everyone here use?

Personally I use CorelDraw Suite X3. I love Photo Paint I still wish I could find the version Photo Paint 8 that I used to use back when I was 16. I used to love the image mapping. I used to have all the cool fonts and plug ins, but now days I just use mainly AlienSkin plug ins and DSB Flux. I've heard PSP is a good one, but it seemed kinda complicated for me. The main thing I love about Corel Draw is that it has the image cutout lab which makes it super easy to crop and cut photos. When I tried PSP whenever I cut photos I couldn't ever get them to lay on top of other photos, it just always went to a new window. With Photo Paint you just gotta drag it over the photo and it automatically adds it to the picture you want. Plus the cutout lab I just cant explain enough how simple it is and really lets you get in there and get nice and close making sure you either dont leave detail or get it all out. The menus are nice also. I just hate the trial is only 15 days… I cant afford to buy it, trying to fight for my disability I gotta save every penny.

by fusi0n1

17 years, 6 months ago

Ooh, another Coreldrawer!

I've been using Draw since version 3, and I know the program like the back of my hands! (Wait a sec… what the heck is that???! Just kidding)

I can't get over how easy it is (to me anyway), I can create and re-create pretty much anything using it, there's so many useful tools that the other programs took ages to implement.

I frequent a graphic design forum, and there are always repeated posts about problems with the others, hardly any about CD! (Maybe coz the prepress industry are all mac-based but eh, I have no probs!)

I use Coreldraw for everything design and graphics-based (both at my day job and my other graphic design business) But I will definitely always use Photoshop for photos. Could never get into Corel Paint, and I've been a long time Photoshop user.

by PeterVenkmen

17 years, 6 months ago

I use mostly MS Paint and a little Photo Shop.

by the_blessed_freak51

17 years, 6 months ago

Paint.Net it's free!

by wildcat

17 years, 5 months ago


I just use it too make sigs and banners for my various internet profiles.

I know my below sig is nothing speical…but Iv made much better if anyone wants me too post some.

by BigMac

17 years, 5 months ago

What I do is use both Microsoft Paint and Adobe Photo Shop 7.0 to make pictures. Adobe Photo Shop can be confusing so I only use the tools I know and leave the rest for Microsoft Paint

by Cosmic-Riptide

17 years, 5 months ago

Photoshop 7
ImageReady 7
3DS Max 2.5 (though I'm trying to find time to learn Blender)
MS Paint

by BigMac

17 years, 5 months ago

3DS Max 2.5 (though I'm trying to find time to learn Blender)
Woo! 3DS Max 2.5 and possible Blender, that’s some cool stuff right there, you could make some awesome mods for GTA with those programs

I have 3DS Max but I never used it because I have Zmodeler but Zmodeler can be kind of crappy, sometimes I think I should learn to use another 3D program but I don’t know if it’s worth the trouble to learn another program (*winston)

by Cosmic-Riptide

17 years, 5 months ago

3DS Max 2.5 (though I'm trying to find time to learn Blender)
Woo! 3DS Max 2.5 and possible Blender, that’s some cool stuff right there, you could make some awesome mods for GTA with those programs

My copy of Max has gotten buggy with age, so I haven't touched it in years. And Blender doesn't seem to be as intuitive as I was hoping (so I'll need to learn the program from the ground up).

by BigMac

17 years, 5 months ago

(so I'll need to learn the program from the ground up).
That’s what I did with Zmodeler, took me months to learn all the programs tools and stuff but these days I look back and it was defiantly worth the effort

I still was able to make some cool stuff even before I knew all the tools like my first ECTO-1 and my Oscar Mayer Wienermobile :-)