What on earth is this?

by Slimed-guy

14 years, 8 months ago

Hi there all,

Hope I can find an answer here. I was given this strange item as a gift for helping out a friend. But what is it? As you can see it seems to be a little model of Mr. Stay puft.(*_*) All I know is that it was acquired from Michel Gross along with a few other items like stickers that went on the side of ecto 1 and stuff some years back. However dose anybody know what this little guy was used for? It just seems a little odd to me. Sorry that the photos are not great I will get better ones up when I can.


by Reapergb

14 years, 8 months ago

Hmm very interesting. Not sure but looks like a pre model of stay puft maybe?

by JSpengler

14 years, 8 months ago

A paper weight.

by Slimed-guy

14 years, 8 months ago

Well I think it's to rough to be a paper weight. I did think that it may be some sort of pre model as I've seen a few before that look similar and the fact that it came from the producer of Ghostbusters originally seems to support this. Just hoping someone may be able to shed more light onto its true origins. (*peter)

by PeterVenkmen

14 years, 8 months ago

A paper weight.

Does look like it could be that lol.