What should be done with/to 88MPH Studios?!

by Dalboz

19 years, 5 months ago

I am to the point where I want to brutally murder everyone involved with the production end of ghostbusters comic…

not because I don't like the stories……. but because they totally $(*)#@ED the big chance they had at making the comic a boom!

Diamond Distributors are so pissed off with 88MPH Studios inability to handle their orders they are prohibited from putting their work in their magazine for the foreseeable future.

My vote is clear– kill the people handling the business end of the business, and sell off the rights to DDP or Dark Horse. Get the damn comic out on time.


by Clavet

19 years, 5 months ago

Hello Dalboz,

Actually if you want to kill everybody involved in the production end of the comic you're going to kill : me.

There is only one person helming 88MPH and that is me.

Anybody responsable of anything is me.

So your very constructive poll leeds only to one solution : kill me so all can be better. I'll be dead and people will feel better.


by Chad

19 years, 5 months ago

This topic is getting locked. It's far from productive and goes against every principle this place stands for.

Dalboz, I hope you think twice before posting such crude and insulting comments. A true fan would realize the dedication 88MPH has put forth producing such a comic, no less the risk involved and, in light of all that has or has not happened in your eyes, support them. Obviously you feel different, but this isn't the place to air your dirty laundry.