What should Ghostbusters III be about?

by mjmcquil

16 years, 2 months ago

I have heard that harold ramis has approached ben stiller for the next movie and the list of characters that have shown an interest in being in the next movie is obviously Dan Akroyd and also Rick Moranis, as a Ghostbuster this time round so there you would have your 4 GB's Igon, Ray, Louis and whomever stiller plays. Personally I think it would be a nice touch if they included a now fully grown oscar (the baby from GB 2) as a possible replacement for Murray that way you could still possibly have a Venkman GB and wouldn't be beyond the realms of believability. I personally think to play this role you could have someone like Shia Labeouf, I think he looks right as a “Dr Venkman” but looks more like Venkman from the Cartoon series

by JonXCTrack

16 years, 2 months ago

I don't know who makes less sense; you or “Ghostbusters3willRock” (*egon)

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 2 months ago

I have heard that harold ramis has approached ben stiller for the next movie and the list of characters that have shown an interest in being in the next movie is obviously Dan Akroyd and also Rick Moranis, as a Ghostbuster this time round so there you would have your 4 GB's Igon, Ray, Louis and whomever stiller plays. Personally I think it would be a nice touch if they included a now fully grown oscar (the baby from GB 2) as a possible replacement for Murray that way you could still possibly have a Venkman GB and wouldn't be beyond the realms of believability. I personally think to play this role you could have someone like Shia Labeouf, I think he looks right as a “Dr Venkman” but looks more like Venkman from the Cartoon series

Ok first of all, that Stiller news is YEARS old, so please don't go posting it as if its new.

Second of all, Dan Aykroyd and Rick Moranis are not part of a "list of characters“ that have shown interest in the next movie… they're actors. Dan created the series, so of course he's interested. As of the latest report, Rick Moranis has retired from acting.

Thirdly, the 4 GBs in the proposed script would not be Igon, Ray, Louis, and Stiller's character. For the love of God, its spelled Egon. And where is Winston? Ernie Hudson has been one of the most vocal supporters of Ghostbusters. Of course he's going to be in it. And Bill Murray has expressed his interest in the franchise again, so I don't know why you're suggesting his character won't be there (unless you're still going on that Stiller report, in which case please see ”First of all…“)

Finally, how can you think Shia LaBeouf looks anything like a Venkman character, let alone the cartoon Venkman? His hair looks absolutely nothing like that. He has curly short hair, whereas Venkman had longer flowing hair. And also, just want to point out, should there be an Oscar Venkman in this, how would you expect him to be a ”Dr. Venkman" when he would only be about 20? He must be pretty damn smart!

by matthew1

16 years, 2 months ago

I have heard that harold ramis has approached ben stiller for the next movie and the list of characters that have shown an interest in being in the next movie is obviously Dan Akroyd and also Rick Moranis, as a Ghostbuster this time round so there you would have your 4 GB's Igon, Ray, Louis and whomever stiller plays.

Hi mjmcquil and welcome to the boards. I'll fill you in on a few things.

A few years ago Ben Stiller was rumoured to be in the next Ghostbusters movie by various internet sites. Apparently Harold Ramis made a brief comment to In Focus magazine in an interview and it got blown out of all proportion.

Usually I don't pick on spelling but when the characters names are mispelled it's really noticable. It's Egon, not Igon.

Personally I think it would be a nice touch if they included a now fully grown oscar (the baby from GB 2) as a possible replacement for Murray that way you could still possibly have a Venkman GB and wouldn't be beyond the realms of believability.

Why do you find it necessary to replace Murray? Recently he's actually shown an interest in a third movie. His recent work on the videogame seems to have revived his interest in making a second sequel.

Oscar was not Venkmans son. He was the son of the musician that Dana is seen with in the first movie. He is therefore not a Venkman.

I don't think that having Oscar back for the third movie is a very good idea. There is no need or necessity to bring him back. I think that character, along with his mother Dana should be left in the past. Ghostbusters III needs to be more original than the second movie was. I think it needs some fresh characters and that the only characters that should be brought back are Venkman, Stantz, Spengler, Zeddemore and Melnitz.

I personally think to play this role you could have someone like Shia Labeouf, I think he looks right as a “Dr Venkman” but looks more like Venkman from the Cartoon series

Please tell me you're joking! You are joking arn't you?….Arn't you?

Lastly I just want to highlight that this particular thread is about discussing what Ghostbusters III should be about and not who should star in it. If you have a story idea for the third movie mjmcquil I'd love to hear it. Once again, welcome to the site!

by CrimsonGhostbuster

16 years, 2 months ago

Going out on a limb here: “Transformers” and “Iron Man” brought our current war situation into their respected movies. Seeing how it was mentioned that Winston would be overqualified for the Ghostbusters by having a military background, what if he were to be called in by whatever it was that he was in (USMC I believe) to train a group of troops in Afganistan. Then… I dunno… go with the previously mentioned idea that terrorists have found a new type of warfare: demonic warfare. I'd like to think that a scene would include them going over dunes in a Hummer (I know… there I go again with the Ecto-Hummer idea) with a neutrona wand in place of a machine gun, chasing down a huge ghost.

Say what you will, it'd be a bigger change than having EGB's.

by Kingpin

16 years, 2 months ago

Ghostbusters shouldn't get too political, I can see the merit of such a story but I think it would take too much away from the fun, casual vibe of the movie of moving it to a tense hotbed like Afghanistan or Iraq.

It would possibly run the danger of being Die Hard 5, with the Ghostbusters.

by matthew1

16 years, 2 months ago

I do like the idea of demonic terrorism caused by someone who has the knowledge and ability to use black magic, with the Ghostbusters having to deal with the mayhem which he is leaving in his wake along with trying to find out what is causing it and trying to capture the evil doer once the cops realise who it is I think that it could make a great third movie.

by CrimsonGhostbuster

16 years, 2 months ago

Well… GB1 kinda, and I stress kinda, got sorta political by including the EPA.

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 2 months ago

I wouldn't call that political. Its a government agency. That's about where it ends, because its actually a nice plot device. It was a new company that had potentially hazardous effects. The EPA getting involved is a reasonable assumption.

by Kingpin

16 years, 2 months ago

Well… GB1 kinda, and I stress kinda, got sorta political by including the EPA.

Well, I mean made political by bringing the war on terror into the story. There's also the danger of it straying too far from the comedic side. My fear would be, that to portray the terrorist bit of the story, concessions would have to be made to do it the sort of justice it would probably demand. Whilst the first two films remained bloodless, I don't think a story dealing with spectral terrorism could be bloodless and not be described as being ‘kid safe’, and I think the damaging or destruction of New York locales would also increase the down-beat nature of such a storyline.

That instead of it being a heartwarming tale of four bungling paranormal investigators in the world's greatest metropolis, it'd be a tense drama forcing them to race against the clock in a battle that in my mind wouldn't leave much room for comedy.

But that's just my thoughts on it.