What should Ghostbusters III be about?

by JonXCTrack

16 years, 2 months ago

I always thought the third movie should be about the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

by matthew1

16 years, 2 months ago

Well, I mean made political by bringing the war on terror into the story. There's also the danger of it straying too far from the comedic side. My fear would be, that to portray the terrorist bit of the story, concessions would have to be made to do it the sort of justice it would probably demand. Whilst the first two films remained bloodless, I don't think a story dealing with spectral terrorism could be bloodless and not be described as being ‘kid safe’, and I think the damaging or destruction of New York locales would also increase the down-beat nature of such a storyline.

That instead of it being a heartwarming tale of four bungling paranormal investigators in the world's greatest metropolis, it'd be a tense drama forcing them to race against the clock in a battle that in my mind wouldn't leave much room for comedy.

But that's just my thoughts on it.

Although the use of black magic to end the world would technically be classed as terrorism the movie wouldn't necesarily have to have anything to do with or feel like it has anything to do with the war on terror that is happening today. I mean, you could call Vigo or Gozor terrorists in the fact that they were spreading terror throughout the city. Okay, they weren't human but I think that's irrelivant. This idea of black magic in the wrong hands could revolve around a character akin to say Luis Tully. Maybe not evil but just misguided, stupid and over his head. The story could show him going from one location to another (graveyards etc), using these evil spells and raising spirits from the grave. I don't see why such a movie couldn't be completely bloodless and totally kid safe. There wouldn't necessarily have to be any destruction of New York locales either but even if there was I don't think that would really matter seeing as though what happened to 550 central park west and the church in the first movie. This black magic terrorism would simply be about raising the dead in order to terrorise the city by scaring the people, not necessarily by destroying buildings or anything like that. I also think that even if the Ghostbusters had to race against the clock and the movie had more of a tenceness to it, it could still be hilarious since so much comedy comes out of tence situations.

by mjmcquil

16 years, 2 months ago

obviously i got slated about the “stiller” rumour I was just going off a website i came across dated the beginning of december, personally I don't think stiller should be a GB and I would love to see Murray back in the saddle as an idea maybe not for GB 3 but as some sort of project. I would like to see the early adventures of of the GB team when it was just Egon, Venkman and Stantz still in Uni and learning. I think it would be nice to possibly re-launch the franchise and see young GB's, that being said I would love to see Ramis don the round specs again. I think it would be nice in the next movie to see that the GB's have moved on with their lives, and the Ghostbusters franchise is still ticking over but Venkman has moved onto other things as has Egon and Winston. But Ray being extremely over zealous and passionate about the GB's will not let it go until one day he finnally decides to close the doors for good, and later we realise that is what the spooks have been waiting for no one to police them, and so they all come together again to save the earth and must ensure the GB's continue to ensure a peaceful existence for mankind. I think it would be good for someone like probably Venkman, to teach a class as to how to deal with spooks around the home and possibly pay homage to the cartoon series by briefly showing bogus gizmo's called DR Venkmans Ghost Repellants, what you reckon

by CrimsonGhostbuster

16 years, 2 months ago

I coincide with Matthew. While I won't argue your points, Ben, at the end of the movie it obviously wouldn't end with any sort of (major) destruction to NYC, if anything the movie would show that NYC would still stand strong even after the attacks. It wouldn't have anything grim in it as using the victims of the tragedies as ghosts (a la the Titanic scene in GBII). If there were to be any sort of reference to 9-11, I would have a subtle “Never Forget” ribbon on the back of the Ecto-1 to show that the GB's “love this town”, but it's business as usual for them.

*Edit: On a similar note, has anyone realized that the Twin Towers are going to have to be in the Ghostbusters video game? Damn that's gonna be eerie.

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 2 months ago

*Edit: On a similar note, has anyone realized that the Twin Towers are going to have to be in the Ghostbusters video game? Damn that's gonna be eerie.

There was a whole discussion about it in a topic about the game, since the Towers were missing from the trailer. skankerzero seemed to imply that it would be corrected and that they would, in fact, be in the game. As they should.

by matthew1

16 years, 2 months ago

That's good to hear.

by Zombie

16 years, 2 months ago

I like the idea of using Sam Haine as the bad guy in the film. That's something I would've loved to see. And maybe use this “going to hell” thing Aykroyd was talking about in interviews. I think the plot could be him trying to take over the world and gets the busters out of the way by sending them to a other dimension that is like a demonic fire and brimstone version of New York. And in this process evil doppelgangers who are something along the lines of the Ghost clones or Peoplebusters from this hellworld take our heroes place in real world and assists Sam Hain in completing his plan.

by Ghostbusters3willrock

16 years, 2 months ago

That sounds Awesome! I'm pretty sure that the writers from the office did use Dan Aykroyd's GB3 Hellbent script that he wrote so I'm pretty sure that Ghostbusters 3 will be a Hellbent movie. IN 2010 when GB3 gets here it's going to be an Awesome movie in 2010!

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 2 months ago

Ghostbusters3will rock;133041
That sounds Awesome! I'm pretty sure that the writers from the office did use Dan Aykroyd's GB3 Hellbent script that he wrote so I'm pretty sure that Ghostbusters 3 will be a Hellbent movie. IN 2010 when GB3 gets here it's going to be an Awesome movie in 2010!

Wait… when? 2020? 2013? I don't understand… when?!

by Ghostbusters3willrock

16 years, 2 months ago

In 2010 Ghostbusters 3 will be here. I've read a lot of Information and the GB3 Imdb prooves the year for GB3 2010.