What should Ghostbusters III be about?

by 9sam11

16 years, 5 months ago


Didn't you write a GBIII script a LONG time ago? Idk if it's you but i remember reading one from a guy named Matt years ago.

by matthew1

16 years, 5 months ago

Yes I did. It wasn't a finished script though. I wrote about two thirds of it and couldn't decide where to take the story. I kind of hit a dead end with that script and just gave up.

by matthew1

16 years, 4 months ago

I recently had another idea. We are sadly all too used to hearing news stories of terrorists causing fear, death and destruction driven by a delusional twisted ideology. But what would happen if there was someone just as deluded who wanted to terrorise New York and happened to know black magic and necromancy? We all know how dangerous the knowledge in making bombs is with such people but what if one such person had the knowledge and ability to summon the dead? To be able to control spirits and demons. Think of the fear, terror and destruction they could cause. How would the Ghostbusters cope? Such a character could be a great nemesis for the Ghostbusters and I think an interesting script could be written around the idea.

by Funygurl

16 years, 4 months ago

I recently had another idea. We are sadly all too used to hearing news stories of terrorists causing fear, death and destruction driven by a delusional twisted ideology. But what would happen if there was someone just as deluded who wanted to terrorise New York and happened to know black magic and necromancy? We all know how dangerous the knowledge in making bombs is with such people but what if one such person had the knowledge and ability to summon the dead? To be able to control spirits and demons. Think of the fear, terror and destruction they could cause. How would the Ghostbusters cope? Such a character could be a great nemesis for the Ghostbusters and I think an interesting script could be written around the idea.

Wasn't Vigo GB2 sorta a terrorist? He wanted to destroy the world and he was butt ugly. Honestly, Vigo is not my idea of a good looking spook. He was a terrorist. Look what he did to Dana in the bathtub!!! That goo came out of the tub. If that happened to me, I would flip him off and make him sore. (*janine)

by ajquick1

16 years, 4 months ago

Ghostbusters III should be about catching ghosts and having sex with them.

I mean… look at it this way…

GB1 had ghosts ripping off their clothes revealing their sagging breasts.. and ghosts who gave blow jobs.

GB2 was a little bit of a step backwards with ghost lubricant and sleeping with it.

GB3 should be a progression of this sub-plot.. maybe Peter could fall in love with a Ghost? We all know that the CGI version is going to feature Slimer babies.. so that might be part of it.

by Funygurl

16 years, 4 months ago

My idea for Ghostbusters III? Set 20 years later to the present day and the Ghostbusters have grown technically advanced. They even have a Ghostbuster hotline tip webpage on the web available for their customers. Dr. Venkman is teaching parapsychology at Columbia University and is married to Dana. Of course, he flirts with his female students.

The internet has become the source of all information in the world. A sudden outbreak in demonic possession by web surfers has New York has authorities questioning a computer plague via ther web. This internet disease creates a phenonmen of spooks using the wire to break into the minds of thousands. Who ya gonna call in a time like this? Not Verizon or Optimum Online lol You are going to call the Ghostbusters to track down the source of the electronic frenzy possession and have them provide a solution. An ancient demon from the other side has found a way to lead an army of spooks and demons into the internet in an attempt to take over the world.

Introducing a female Ghostbuster for the first time would be nice. I imagine her as in shape, tough, sarcastic, and a bit weird. You would have to be a bit odd to want to work with the Ghostbusters, right? Especially, dealing with Dr. Venkman's sarcasm and attitude. Original cast returns and movie rakes in $80 million or more in opening weekend lol


Wow, you really are quick aren't you lol Be careful not to come too quickly for the ghost. She might just slime you.

AJ Quick;130389
Ghostbusters III should be about catching ghosts and having sex with them.

I mean… look at it this way…

GB1 had ghosts ripping off their clothes revealing their sagging breasts.. and ghosts who gave blow jobs.

GB2 was a little bit of a step backwards with ghost lubricant and sleeping with it.

GB3 should be a progression of this sub-plot.. maybe Peter could fall in love with a Ghost? We all know that the CGI version is going to feature Slimer babies.. so that might be part of it.

by Kingpin

16 years, 4 months ago

This thread has entered dark and scary territory that it never should've ventured into. (*egon)

by robbritton

16 years, 4 months ago

This thread has entered dark and scary territory that it never should've ventured into. (*egon)

almost a nice soundbite for AJ's plotline in itself!

by matthew1

16 years, 4 months ago

The movie is set in present day. Ghostbusters still exists as a company but emergency calls are very rare and the company has had to branch out. They now make almost all of their money from selling cover against accidental damage and insurance against hauntings. The company arn't rich. In fact, they're only keeping their heads above water. Venkman is just chalking off the days unil his retirement and smoking lots of cigerettes. Stanz is the exact opposite and is still the over exited lovable childlike character he always was. Spengler now teaches full time at columbia University full time and only visits the old firehouse occasionally in order to carry out checks on the containment unit. Zeddmore, much like Stanz is getting bored due to the fact that the job is all paperwork and no action.

The movie doesn't make any reference to their age whatsoever. It doesn't need to.

Something stange happens. Something big. Some supernatural event that they have never imagined was even possible and that they are completely unprepared for.

Can they save the day one last time? Who you gonna call?


by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 4 months ago

The movie is set in present day. Ghostbusters still exists as a company but emergency calls are very rare and the company has had to branch out. They now make almost all of their money from selling cover against accidental damage and insurance against hauntings. The company arn't rich. In fact, they're only keeping their heads above water. Venkman is just chalking off the days unil his retirement and smoking lots of cigerettes. Stanz is the exact opposite and is still the over exited lovable childlike character he always was. Spengler now teaches full time at columbia University full time and only visits the old firehouse occasionally in order to carry out checks on the containment unit. Zeddmore, much like Stanz is getting bored due to the fact that the job is all paperwork and no action.

The movie doesn't make any reference to their age whatsoever. It doesn't need to.

Something stange happens. Something big. Some supernatural event that they have never imagined was even possible and that they are completely unprepared for.

Can they save the day one last time? Who you gonna call?


An interesting and original take… I'll give you that. Not something I'd want to see though. If people are going to say that we shouldn't be adding new team members cuz Ghostbusters is about the original four, then it needs to be said that Ghostbusters is about the original four actually busting ghosts! The whole insurance thing is an interesting idea, maybe as an addition, but making it that they're not actually busting ghosts bothers me. Plus it follows the same formula that Ghostbusters II did, which is one of my gripes with GBII, that the guys are essentially almost out of business, or not busting ghosts. They've all moved on to different things and then they all come back to save the day. Why can't the company just be constant and standing after the events of GBII? Sorry, that's my 2 cents. Like I said though, definitely original in the insurance idea.