What should Ghostbusters III be about?

by OniellFord

16 years, 3 months ago

I think it should be about the Ghostbusters trying to get back in shape while Winston is coaching them in preperation for the new Ghost Threat. Ya know, kinda like the Rocky movies?

It would provide some hilarius moments in the movie. I can see Winston making jokes at them while Peter or Ray try to make smart remarks about how Winston should join them.

by ghstbstrlmliii1

16 years, 3 months ago

I don't like the idea of new recruits. Ghostbusters III being set over Halloween with Samhaine as the villain could work though.

Originally I was dead set against new recruits. But after really thinking through it, it makes sense. That's part of growing and expanding the franchise (not to mention would open up the possibility for more sequels down the line to fill Sony's pocket - if it works). If it's done right and they don't completely just throw out the originals, then it could be a great continuation.

I think someone's mentioned it before here: we will be playing a new recruit in the videogame. Also, most of us of course wish that we could be that new recruit. That's a natural part of the fan-base (hince why we make proton packs, traps, etc and will gladly suit-up). Therefore, it does seem logical, that to continue the GB story, someone (or several people) will get to fulfill that dream, and become a new ghostbuster. (Personally though, I'd rather it not be the EGB.)

As to Samhaine, he is one of my favorite villans from RGB. He could be a formitable foe for the GBs, but they have already defeated him twice. ghostbuster-fan81, I would love to hear more from your idea for the story about how he has grown in power and would be harder to catch.

by matthew1

16 years, 3 months ago

No new recruits thankyou very much. I don't want to see a story that is going to take the focus off Venkman, Stantz, Spengler and Zeddmore in any way.

How about this idea. A construction firm is about to destroy the site of an ancient indian burial ground. They dig up the site and awake the ancient indian gods. Stantz and Venkman both fall for a pretty archaologist who explains to them what the site is. There is some conflict and competition throughout the movie between Stantz and Venkman because of her. Ghostbusters destroy the evil ancient indian spirits who have swarmed the city. At the end it turns out that Spengler was boning the young woman all along. ta da!

by ghstbstrlmliii1

16 years, 3 months ago

At the end it turns out that Spengler was boning the young woman all along. ta da!

Way to go Egon. What a stud!

by Ghostbuster-Adem

16 years, 3 months ago

My personal thoughts on the whole recruits theory is my own, And as much as matthew's ideas would make awsome Ghostbusters movies. I do believe how ever that maybe (as much as this pains me to say) that recruits arn't such a horrid idea. I mean let's face it, people get older and that's how life goes right. It's not brain science to figure out the term “old” defines one as unable to do as they did in their youthful past life, it's common sense. So the idea of having recruits to continue the company farther into the future is somewhat acceptable and understandable. I know alot of people have a hard time comming to terms with new younger kids or even young adults taking over the Responsibility of Ghostbusting. But again I point out the boys are most likely going to tire out faster from the day to day Activitys within the job. Im not saying that the guys should be banned from all Ghostbusting jobs, im just saying it's normal for them to want to slow it down abit and maybe give some other kids/adults the skills and spotlight along with them. Keep in mind that Ghostbusters 3 should be a continuing storyline and hopefully not a remake of the first film. That said if the movie takes place after GB2 and in the present day then the boys are most likely going to want predecessors to ensure the company keeps running top notch. But anyways that is my take on the new recuits subject

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 3 months ago

I'd be interested to know how many of the people who say they're against new recruits would say no to the position if they were offered it. We all love to dream and imagine what it would like to be a Ghostbuster, well if the company never expands or hires new recruits, our dreams, in the Ghostbusters world, would never be able to come true.

Or for that matter, if Sony were to hold open casting calls, and you were offered the part of a new recruit, would you turn it down because you wouldn't want to see anyone but the original 4 guys?

by ghostbuster_fan811

16 years, 3 months ago

And as for humor in the movie it shouldn't all be kiddie humor it should also have dirty humor.You know Adult humor should also take part of the movie.

by slimer3881

16 years, 3 months ago

i completely DISAGREE with you, dirty/adult humor is what RUINED comedy. what made the Ghostbusters movies so funny and unique was its ability to have humor through the witty dialogue, the character interaction, and the zany situations.

oh yeah, wouldnt it be so clever to hear Venkman and Ray make dick and fart jokes? isnt that hilarious and witty? im just holding my sides thinking about it.

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 3 months ago

i completely DISAGREE with you, dirty/adult humor is what RUINED comedy. what made the Ghostbusters movies so funny and unique was its ability to have humor through the witty dialogue, the character interaction, and the zany situations.

oh yeah, wouldnt it be so clever to hear Venkman and Ray make dick and fart jokes? isnt that hilarious and witty? im just holding my sides thinking about it.

Dick and fart jokes are not adult humor, they are teen humor about adult subjects. Now I'm not saying I want dick jokes in Ghostbusters, but if you don't realize the adult humor that exists in the first movie, then you've missed a lot of the best jokes. They were done in a witty way, but they are still adult, and could still technically be classified as dirty. Some perfect examples:

“Are you, Alice, menstruating right now?”

“That's the bedroom, but nothing ever happened in there.”
“What a crime.”

“This Mr. Stay Puft is ok, he's a sailor, he's in New York, we get this guy laid we won't have any trouble.”

Need I go on? These are absolutely adult jokes, that went right over my head when I was a kid. Adult humor has not ruined comedy. Adult humor is amazing. Without adult humor and adult jokes, we'd all be stuck watching kiddie, watered down comedies. I get that you don't want dick jokes in Ghostbusters, but saying adult humor ruined comedy is just moronic. That's what Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Chevy Chase… all those guys from SNL and some of the greatest comedies of all time, that's what they all did. They just did it in a witty way.

by ghstbstrlmliii1

16 years, 3 months ago

well the reason it worked in Ghostbusters is that it was subtle. Keymaster, Gatekeeper, Ray's Dream, “Dickless”. Well, maybe not to too subtle at times, but compared to today's movies…

Those type of jokes were in the movie - it's just not what propelled the movie.

EDIT: Dr. V beat me to it. Other good examples though. And I totally agree that fart jokes are not adult humor.