What should Ghostbusters III be about?

by slimer3881

16 years, 3 months ago

Doctor Venkman;131260
Dick and fart jokes are not adult humor, they are teen humor about adult subjects. Now I'm not saying I want dick jokes in Ghostbusters, but if you don't realize the adult humor that exists in the first movie, then you've missed a lot of the best jokes. They were done in a witty way, but they are still adult, and could still technically be classified as dirty. Some perfect examples:

“Are you, Alice, menstruating right now?”

“That's the bedroom, but nothing ever happened in there.”
“What a crime.”

“This Mr. Stay Puft is ok, he's a sailor, he's in New York, we get this guy laid we won't have any trouble.”

Need I go on? These are absolutely adult jokes, that went right over my head when I was a kid. Adult humor has not ruined comedy. Adult humor is amazing. Without adult humor and adult jokes, we'd all be stuck watching kiddie, watered down comedies. I get that you don't want dick jokes in Ghostbusters, but saying adult humor ruined comedy is just moronic. That's what Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Chevy Chase… all those guys from SNL and some of the greatest comedies of all time, that's what they all did. They just did it in a witty way.

its a matter of preference for what the term “adult/dirty humor” means to you. when i hear it, i think of movies like “American Pie”, “Scary Movie” etc. Movies that relied on dirty humor which obviously was unfunny and tasteless (ie. male genitalia puncturing people's ears). Ghostbusters may have had a few ‘adult’ jokes, but it leaded toward a more sly sophisticated vocal point, and the overall humor was more lighthearted than ‘dirty’. you are nitpicking what i said, and not looking at the overall point, dont be a troll.

by matthew1

16 years, 3 months ago

Alot of the comedic dialog in Ghostbusters was very dry. I just hope that the new writers don't dumb down the dialog.

by buster101

16 years, 3 months ago

well i heard that, like a lot of people heard, its going to be them in new york city but, that becomes hell, but i also heard that bill murray will only star in GB3 as a ghost im not sure if its going to be his character as a ghost or just him being a random ghost or if they are even going to do that but i guess we will all see soon enough

by jka12002

16 years, 3 months ago

Peter Venkman dead in GB3?

ive never heard that rumor, but i did hear about Bill refusing to return in GB3.

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 3 months ago

well i heard that, like a lot of people heard, its going to be them in new york city but, that becomes hell, but i also heard that bill murray will only star in GB3 as a ghost im not sure if its going to be his character as a ghost or just him being a random ghost or if they are even going to do that but i guess we will all see soon enough

Rumors from a long time ago. Some of those ideas may or may not be present in the new script, most likely not.

its a matter of preference for what the term “adult/dirty humor” means to you. when i hear it, i think of movies like “American Pie”, “Scary Movie” etc. Movies that relied on dirty humor which obviously was unfunny and tasteless (ie. male genitalia puncturing people's ears). Ghostbusters may have had a few ‘adult’ jokes, but it leaded toward a more sly sophisticated vocal point, and the overall humor was more lighthearted than ‘dirty’. you are nitpicking what i said, and not looking at the overall point, dont be a troll.

I'm not sure you fully understand what a troll is… lol.

I was responding to your points, and making the point that adult humor… sex related, adult humor was very present in Ghostbusters. I fully distinguished the difference between adult and dirty in my post. Adult humor is any subject matter that is inappropriate or will go over the head of children. That's my definition. Just because you have a different definition doesn't mean I'm a troll.

by jka12002

16 years, 3 months ago

Doctor Venkman;131364
Rumors from a long time ago. Some of those ideas may or may not be present in the new script, most likely not.

I'm not sure you fully understand what a troll is… lol.

I was responding to your points, and making the point that adult humor… sex related, adult humor was very present in Ghostbusters. I fully distinguished the difference between adult and dirty in my post. Adult humor is any subject matter that is inappropriate or will go over the head of children. That's my definition. Just because you have a different definition doesn't mean I'm a troll.

let it go dude

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 3 months ago

let it go dude

What the hell are you talking about?

by jka12002

16 years, 3 months ago

Doctor Venkman;131366
What the hell are you talking about?

the more you reply to him, the more he will think you are a troll. dont waste your time.

by slimer3881

16 years, 3 months ago

its okay, i just got a little annoyed that my point was being nitpicked, which happens rarely, so it came as a surprise. but anyway, just to get it out of the way, I think Ghostbusters and all those other SNL type humor is what i call “smart humor”, ofcourse the topics will go from various side from sexual innuendo to more lighter stuff buts its all how its presented and written, and my opinion for the definition of ‘dirty jokes’ is well just tasteless potty humor that could be slapped together by a horny 14 year old. (*winston)

but anyway, its just all a matter of opinion, and it became a misunderstanding. besides, its what Message Boards are all about.

now, on with the actual topic of the thread:

the whole “new team” idea is kind of a over done concept, but it would work and be pretty funny only if the casting call is right and the character writing is top notch. but what would work is if they hired new ‘members’ other than ‘new young recruits’. let go of the whole, ‘mentors’ or ‘teaching a new team’, though then again, it would be interesting to see the different tests new ‘employees’ go through. but we'll see that in the game probably so there would be no need to rehash it into the film, but ofcourse im just assuming. but ‘training’ scenes might be pretty funny. though like i said, all depends on the casting.

I think they've learned they're lesson with starting the film off with the GBs going separate ways, so the plot would probably begin with the GBs still together. I also heard that a draft of GB2 involved the Ghostbuster heading to overseas to fight evil gnomes, which sounds ridiculous, but i like the idea of the settings going outside of NY, and having it be a little more epic and expand the ghost problem all over the country. making it a very big and conclusive third entry.

by matthew1

16 years, 3 months ago

Here's another one.

The Ghostbusters catch a ghost which unbeknown to them is actually the grim reaper.


Due to the fact that the grim reaper is now in their ecto containment facility death itself has ground to a halt and because of this nobody is dying.

Sick people who were on the verge of death are somehow beating the odds. Suicide jumpers are mysteriously surviving falls from tower blocks, people are walking away from major car accidents, prisoners are living through lethal injections and electricutions, patients are having their life support machines switched off but are being discharged from hospital instead of being wheeled to the mortuary, funeral services are going out of business! It's as if everyones become invincible and immune to death.

In addition to that, countless dead are rising from the grave now that death has suddenly taken a surprise vacation and many of these spirits are terrorising New York.

People don't understand what is going on. They are frightened and confused but are also delighted at this mysterious phenoma because it means they will never die. On the other hand the government realises that if nobody is dying then the planet will become overpopulated extremely quickly.

The Ghostbusters peice together what is happening and that the grim reaper is actually inside the containment unit.

The media hear about it and everyone wants the ghostbusters to keep the grim reaper inside where as the government is forcing them to let the grim reaper out. The ghostbusters know that as soon as they let out the grim reaper he will catch up on all of the work he has missed in the time he has been locked away and many people which would have died will be die.

The Ghostbusters decide to let him out after doing a deal with him which he agrees to. The grim reaper agrees that he will no longer take the lives of the young or of people who have had unfortunate accidents.

I know it sounds a little morbid for a PG rated comedy but I think if done right it could be funny and it could suit a Ghostbusters movie.