What should Ghostbusters III be about?

by ghstbstrlmliii1

16 years, 3 months ago

I remember what I was thinking now… When the “psychic” tells Venkman that the world is going to end on the stroke of midnight new years eve this year, Venkman replies "Well that's cutting it a little close… Shouldn't you have said ‘hey the world’s gonna end in 1992' or better yet, 1994?'

Interesting. For some reason I always thought the line was “hey the world's gonna end in 1982, or better yet, 1984?” - Venkman making a joke, that with this guy saying the end of the world is so close, he might as well put it in the past. Also, the “…better yet 1984” is a nod to when they defeated Gozer

by jka12002

16 years, 3 months ago

Doctor Venkman;131496
This alone proves that Ghostbusters did not take place in the 90's as its impossible by that timeline. To humor you, jka12002, even if Ghostbusters II was taking place in 1991, and Venkman was suggesting only a year, that would still put Ghostbusters as having taken place in 1987.

That was just to humor you though, I'm in no way suggesting that's the actual timeline. Both movies take place in their respective release years.

theres always has to be someone to be an ass with me.

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 3 months ago

theres always has to be someone to be an ass with me.

And this is the problem with people now a days where they think someone correcting them means that person is being an ass.

You made an incorrect statement, and then got uppity when people said that the movies take places in the 80's with your “It's obvious it takes place in the 90's” statement, with absolutely nothing to back that up.

You were proven wrong, that doesn't mean people are being asses. It means you were wrong. Nothing more, nothing less.

by Kingpin

16 years, 3 months ago

Well, the “that was just to humor you” bit did come off rather smartass, I have to agree.

Intentionally or not.

Anyway, anyone else have an idea for what Ghostbusters 3 should be about?

by demonaz

16 years, 3 months ago

Because of recent changes in environmental policy and the new wave of ecofriendly trends, the Ghostbusters set aside their proton packs and plant some trees. the end.

by slimer3881

16 years, 3 months ago

Doctor Venkman;131502
And this is the problem with people now a days where they think someone correcting them means that person is being an ass.

You made an incorrect statement, and then got uppity when people said that the movies take places in the 80's with your “It's obvious it takes place in the 90's” statement, with absolutely nothing to back that up.

You were proven wrong, that doesn't mean people are being asses. It means you were wrong. Nothing more, nothing less.

well, if you dont want people to think your an ass, dont come off as such a snob, when you correct them, be cool about it, were all human beings, no one wants to be treated like an idiot. everyones entitled to their own opinion (even if its ridiculous). if he wants to believe that the GB universe takes place in a later time than what we think, let him be. you dont have to shove down his throat that he's wrong, just be subtle, thats the key. and a sense of humor is always good, i mean we're discussing a Comedy franchise afterall.

but anyway, on with the discussion.

by ghstbstrlmliii1

16 years, 3 months ago

Because of recent changes in environmental policy and the new wave of ecofriendly trends, the Ghostbusters set aside their proton packs and plant some trees. the end.

Only after they are run out of business by Peck who has made them start buying carbon credits, which they can't afford. (of course I guess their equipment is technically nuclear - but they're forced to buy some kind of offset) So the EPA shuts them down. New terror arises. Mayor in an executive order reinstates the Ghostbusters. They save the day.

Like the idea demonaz. Lots of potential for comedic lines.

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 3 months ago

well, if you dont want people to think your an ass, dont come off as such a snob, when you correct them, be cool about it, were all human beings, no one wants to be treated like an idiot. everyones entitled to their own opinion (even if its ridiculous). if he wants to believe that the GB universe takes place in a later time than what we think, let him be. you dont have to shove down his throat that he's wrong, just be subtle, thats the key. and a sense of humor is always good, i mean we're discussing a Comedy franchise afterall.

but anyway, on with the discussion.

If you knew me at all you would know that I'm totally 100% behind the “everyone is entitled to their opinion” bit. Without that, we'd all just be posting the same thing or sitting here saying “I agree”, “Yes, I agree too”, “Affirmative”, etc., etc., etc…

That said, I wasn't trying to make him feel like an idiot. I was laying out the facts of the situation, and asking him to explain what made him think it was in the 90's, given his “It's obvious it takes place in the 90's” statement. I was honestly curious to see someone else's point of view as to what could make them think it was in the 90's, as I've always just accepted it as being in the 80's. He never responded to that, so my fact based statements came off as snobbish.

As for talking about a comedy franchise… no worries there. I'm one of the biggest jokesters you'll meet, and I love these movies as much as anyone else for the comedy they bring. I said it before and I'll say it again, its hilarious that, for a comedy, Ghostbusters ends up in so many dramatic circumstances, either from delays on products or from stupid misinterpreted arguments.

by slimer3881

16 years, 3 months ago

Doctor Venkman;131512
Ghostbusters ends up in so many dramatic circumstances, either from delays on products or from stupid misinterpreted arguments.

hahaha. yeah, i'll agree on that one.

by matthew1

16 years, 3 months ago

How about this:

A manufacturing company manage to produce the very first household ghost catching kit. The hoover-like devices are easy to use and affordable. They start selling like hot cakes and after a while the Ghostbusters notice that they are no longer needed and that their finances have taken a severe nosedive with the new competition. However, unknown to everyone these do-it-yourself spook suckers have a hidden techical fault which is about to put the entire world in jeapordy. Can the Ghostbusters save the day one more time?