what the??

by theo136

22 years, 8 months ago

hi i tryed to install gb doom from the files i got off this site yet it dosnt want to work i also have boom can someone please help me out

by Lt.Handley

22 years, 8 months ago

Why don't you read old posts, would that make too much sense?

by theo136

22 years, 8 months ago

I did and the old posts don't help so maybe wouldnt it make sence to ask dumb ass

by Lt.Handley

22 years, 8 months ago

1)You should have Doom 2 Full version, not any demo or shareware.

2)You own doom2 or downloaded it, and have it installed on your computer.

3)Then go to this URL: and download that file

4)Now download “GBDOOM.ZIP”

5)You downloaded both zdoom.zip and gbdoom.zip and exctracted (unzipped) it into the Doom2 folder
(This should give you “zdoom.exe”)

6)You right clicked on the z-gbd2.bat file and removed D:\games\doom2 from behind zdoom.exe and clicked apply.

7)Click the Doom2 folder where evrything should be

8)Right click the file Z-gbd2.bat

9)click on Properties

10)Click on Program or Edit

11)Click the cmdline space, type this…
zdoom.exe -file zdoom.wad gbdemo.wad gbgfx.wad colmaps.wad -deh gbd2.deh

12)Now click the batch file space and type this…
zdoom.exe -file zdoom.wad gbdemo.wad gbgfx.wad colmaps.wad -deh gbd2.deh

13)Click Apply

Don't forget to put all GBD2 files in the same file as Doom2, not in a seperate on even if it is in Doom2, all programs must be in the D2 directory.
Enjoy you illiterate a**hole.

by theo136

22 years, 8 months ago

look im sorry i got mad but thanx a lot once agin I apologize

by Lt.Handley

22 years, 8 months ago

meh, well I got all that info from an older post, that's why I told you to look back.