what this makes my 4th or 5th return?

by gbray1

17 years ago

lol and hopeful I'll be staying for good
hey whats new my friends wow i have missed this place so much
much now good old GB ray is back and better then ever
a lot has changed in my life since i was gone
i am not longer single and now married and have a lovely baby girl only a little over a week old ( hoping to watch some RGB with here on the site)
is 20 now got my drivers licence on the 5th of this month about time too
i am going to get job training soon i got to go on the 11th for a evaluation

and for the new members scratching there head and thinking “ who the heck is this” ask some of the older members they'll tell you

so i am back and now with less typos

by eatingfood1

17 years ago

Nice to meet you.
congrats on having a kid.

by DocFritz

17 years ago

Wow. Married and with a kid? Like that's an excuse to not be here posting on a message board? For shame, Ray.


Just kidding, of course!

Nice to see you back, and congrats for everything!

by gbray1

17 years ago

i know and i can honestly say for the first time in my life i am happy
i am not the angery self lothing person i used to be everytime i hold her and look into her eyes i'm happy

by pantshater24

17 years ago

you know i say the same thing about my iphone :-)

by gbray1

17 years ago

lol i say that about other people's i phones too before they run off screamin into the night

by fusi0n1

16 years, 11 months ago

Welcome back, and congrats on the bub.

I have two kids: Charlie who is almost 4, and Amelia is nearly 2.

And I'll have to agree that there's nothing more satisfying than having kids.

Especially when you have your son telling you that you are his best friend in the whole world.
Or you hear your little girl call out “DADDY! NEE HELP” (she needs help)

It's the greatest.

by gbray1

16 years, 11 months ago

i know its the best and i'm going to introduce rgb and gb to her when she is older give her a taste of what her pops watched as a kid
beats the hell out of most of the crap shown today to kids blek

by Chad

16 years, 11 months ago

Welcome back! I wish you and your new family much happiness. You've chosen a very exciting time to come back, things are about to get very interesting… (*_*)

by gbray1

16 years, 11 months ago

Welcome back! I wish you and your new family much happiness. You've chosen a very exciting time to come back, things are about to get very interesting… (*_*)

you made the life size stay puft didn't you?