What was your FIRST Ghostbusters purchase?

by fusi0n1

14 years, 9 months ago

Hi all,

Thought this would be a fun nostalgic topic, and also to test your memories. Although I doubt you'd have a hard time, since everyone remembers their first

I remember RGB was a big hit on TV at the time and I was LOVING it. A few days later I was walking through a shopping centre with my mum, and spotted all the big “ghosts” in a big container thing out the front (I'd call it a bin, but somehow it just doesn't sound right)

We went in the store, and right there on the shelf behind the counter were the Ghostbusters! I pleaded and got mum to snap up Peter and Egon right there and then!!!
Played with them to death!

So what was your first buy?

by robbritton

14 years, 9 months ago

It was Anne Digby's novellisation of the first film, bought from the Brittania book club list that used to come round to English primary scools back in 1984!

the first time I heard the song was on the radio on the way to a swimming lesson - I remember being really confused by why the singer was talkign rather than singing! It was a more innocent time!

the first time I saw any of it was on Mark Curry's Screen Test, where they showed the sliming scene!

boy, this stuff runs deep!

by DocFritz

14 years, 9 months ago

I have three younger brothers–we got the original Series 1 action figures and the West End Games RPG for Christmas in 1986. (Each of us got one figure; Mom knows me too well, and I got Egon)

The first Ghostbuster thing I actually bought myself was probably Fright Features Egon about a year or so later. I'm pretty sure I had that whole series before finding Now's RGB#2 in a drug store.

by jay_tigran1

14 years, 9 months ago

My first purchase? I don't remember, probably one of the comics.

One of the first things purchased for me was a Fright Features Ray, followed shortly by the rest of the team for xmas

by Nix

14 years, 9 months ago

As far as I can remember, the RGB Frankenstein's Monster.

by ghostbusters2131

14 years, 9 months ago

Well, I didn´t buy it with my own money, I was only 5 or 6 years old, but days after watching the movie at the theaters, my uncle took me to the records store, and bought me the Soundtrack on vinyl… I remember arriving the store and asking for the album, the guy said it was sold out… but my uncle realizes there´s one on the glass outdoor as exhibition… and the guy agreed to sell it to us. Damn… now I´m 31 and I remember it like it was yesterday. I still have that album.

by ghstbstrlmliii1

14 years, 9 months ago

The first thing purchased FOR me was the movie on VHS. Blockbuster was just becoming the new thing and my parents knew the manager of our local store. When he ordered copies for the store to start renting it, he ordered an extra one for me.

The first thing I remember buying myself was a Slimer beach towel.

by Venkman582

14 years, 9 months ago

For me it was the first series action figures of Peter, Ray, and Egon. I had waited for months to get them after seeing the Real Ghostbusters on tv Saturday mornings. Being that was only four, my parents bought them for me. I still have them to this day, along with Ecto 1, Ecto 2 and the firehouse.

by jjaimelleal

14 years, 9 months ago

My first purchase was 1st series RGB Egon at Kmart in my old hometown of Stafford, TX. I was three years old and all I remember is waiting at the checkout line with my mom and staring at it with excitement. I also remember the first time I rented Ghostbusters on vhs because my dad only rented Mexican movies for himself and that was the first time I got him to rent a movie for me.

by Ectofiend

14 years, 9 months ago

These two books back in '84 through the old “Book It” Book Club back in grade school :


*Added bonus - Button for said Book Club just for kicks :-)…

First thing I bought FOR myself is abit tricky…Didn't have an actual job-job until I was 19, so I guess my first GB purchase with money I earned from an outside source rather than my family would be the ‘99 Dvd’s? Can't remember…