What was your FIRST Ghostbusters purchase?

by Ponyboy

14 years, 9 months ago

1st purchase was the Real Ghostbusters Kenner action figure of Ray, and Slimer. My brother got Egon. I think we got Ecto 1 after that, but it took us longer to find Peter and Winston.

by fusi0n1

14 years, 9 months ago

Hmm, maybe I should have worded it better. I just meant your *first* item of Ghostbusters that you got (bought yourself or from someone)

And I forgot to mention it was the first series GBs (originals).

The girl at the counter asked me if I wanted a free G.I. Joe poster… I refused LOL! (no idea why, I think I remember saying I didn't want it as it would probably start me collecting them too)

by Kingpin

14 years, 9 months ago

My recollection's a little fuzzy… but I think one of the first bits of Ghostbusters merchandise I bought myself was one of the Real Ghostbusters VHS volumes.

by Nix

14 years, 9 months ago

Y'know, I did have the “KICK SOME SLIME” Slimer pajamas, but they came from a garage sale, and I had no clue who the Ghostbusters were at the time. They were probably bought before I even started walking. Same goes for the Frankenstein's Monster figure–I used to love going to Haunted Trails and seeing the giant Frankenstein Muffler-Man.

by ecto-21

14 years, 9 months ago

I was around two or three when my mom got me the Slimed Heroes Peter and Egon. I can remember playing with them in the car seat on the way home….. those were the days.

by ToastDuster

14 years, 6 months ago

When I went to see the film at Dudley Cinema, they were selling this little book cheap, for 99p I think, but it didn't have the stickers listed. Maybe they were only with the American release?
It's an odd book, the story is completely re-arranged, Dana and Lewis are completely omitted, and Winston only gets a brief mention, as ‘their faithful assistant’. Presumably only becuase he's in all end scene photos.
It's probably quite rare now?

I think the next things I had were the Anne Digby book, the ghostbusters bedsheets, and a commemortive book, which included photos from the film with some lines of dialogue.

GB stuff was quite hard to get here in the UK before RGB showed up. VHS of the movie aside, I think the only other thing I got in thia time was the Making Ghostbusters book.

by flameboy2

14 years, 6 months ago

When I went to see the film at Dudley Cinema, they were selling this little book cheap, for 99p I think, but it didn't have the stickers listed. Maybe they were only with the American release?

Dudley West Mids? :-O

The first thing I think I ever had was the RGB Ecto 1 with the Peter figure. I always remember getting that because of the box, a bright purple that stood out so much from everything else. I don't remember there being any other RGB at all in the store, just the Ecto. Played with that Ecto all day even though I had nothing else! I'm not sure where everything came from after that really, assume presents from parents for Christmas and things, I know the fire station was for sure. I've still got that Ecto, and all my other RGB stuff. Pretty beat up and well played with, but still have it!

by ToastDuster

14 years, 6 months ago

Dudley West Mids? :-O

Yes. The cinema was the closest to me at the time. It's long gone now (although the abandonned building, by the zoo, is still there), since Merry Hill opened up.

It was my first encounter with a McDonalds' as well, in Dudley town centre. Pretty sure it was about the time when McDonalds were first starting to open franchises here in the UK. Up until that point, Wimpy was the closest equivalent, and there's not many of them about now.

by jettajeffro

14 years, 6 months ago

My first items were the first series RGB Egon, Slimer, and small Puft figure. I remember getting all the Happy Meal toys and kept the boxes for along time. I also got the sticker album very early as well. Next was issue 4 of the NOW comics.

by Walter_Peck

14 years, 6 months ago

The first Ghostbuster's item I ever bought/recieved was 1st Series Egon. I remember my Mom buying it for me at a local Publix (remember when they sold GOOD toys in grocery stores?) when we livd in Florida. I was a little over 3 years old.

Suprising to me that a lot of my earliest memories have to do with Ghostbusters and receiving toys for birthdays, xmas, or even the occasional “you've been a good boy today while Mommy shopped”.