what we CAN DO to get gb 3 on the scenes

by vankman2

19 years, 6 months ago

1 . rit 2 all the 4 ghostbusters bill,dan,harold and c what they cum up with

2 rit to all the big dirictors

3 build up a acount 4 gb then send to bill

4 secretly try and get bill,dan and harold in one room to talk about it

i realy want to c ghostbusters 3 out they by at least the year 2008 come on
plzzzzzzzzzz try and think off more ideas plzzzzz this might sound stuiped
but what eals have we got to try

by bubbles13

19 years, 6 months ago

just dont write yourself. learn to spell first. please

by Kingpin

19 years, 6 months ago

(Translated to avoid complications)

1) Write to all the four Ghostbusters Bill,Dan,Harold and see what they come up with

You'd need their postal addresses to do that, and you'd have to most likely deal with their agents.

2) Write to all the big dirictors

You got a directory and a month's worth of free time?

3) Build up a acount four gb then send to bill

A what?

4) Secretly try and get Bill,Dan and Harold in one room to talk about it

And how likely is that gonna happen?

I really want to see Ghostbusters 3 out there by at least the year 2008 come on
please try and think off more ideas please this might sound stupid
but what else have we got to try

I'd love to see a third movie made, I'd love to see everyone's patience pay off. But you have to consider it's just not likely. Bill Murray is pretty much sworn off the franchise unless he really needs to lean on it, Harold and Dan aren't really persuing it any more and most of the original props they used are scattered to the four winds and slowly falling apart. And there aren't that many 59 Caddies that could be turned into a replacement car for the original Ecto-1.

A side note, if English is your main language then it's preffered that you take the time to spell and pronounce it correctly, people don't want to be decoding what you meant if you can type it easily enough.

by Peter_Randall

19 years, 6 months ago

3) Build up a acount four gb then send to bill

A what?

I believe he was trying to suggest that we create a bank account and deposit money into it to lure Bill. No one would do that, unless they want to throw money away. I somehow feel it's not lack of money which is keeping Bill away, the money would be there if he wanted it. It's more that he hasn't given Ghostbusters 3 a second thought, and won't consider it. If you could get him to read the script, that would be half the work.

by matthew1

19 years, 6 months ago

What can we do to get a Ghostbusters III? I wouldn't like to say “nothing” because I'm an optimist and like to beleive that nothing is impossible no matter how small the chances are.

So what is the most usefull thing we can do in order to make it happen? Not raising money, thats for sure. In my opinion it's writing a very good script.

Think about it this way. Apart from the fact that Bill Murray says he wants to leave the francise alone what other barrier has their been? I'll tell you. Nobody, including Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis (great writers though they are) has been able to come up with a good script yet. The one and only script known to have been written for the long awaited sequel was of course back in 99 by Dan Aykroyd which was very poor indeed.

My point is that if a good professional script was written which contained a good story and then circulated to the likes of Aykroyd, Ramis or Reitman, it could well make the prospect of a Ghostbusters III all the more probable. If any one of those three read it and were highly impressed, the chances are that they would contact one another and pass it along, including sending it to Murray which, if impressed my just change that stubborn mind of his.

I know that the whole thing is highly improbable but I think that it would be the most usefull thing a Ghosthead could do if they want a third Ghostbusters movie. The better the script the more chance of it being taken seriously. I hope I've inspired a few people to get writing.

by Godfart

19 years, 6 months ago

Umm, u do realize that the way u spelled “come” was the way it's spelled in the dialogue script for a porn movie, right?

by castewar1

19 years, 6 months ago

I think that's the least of his horrific crimes against grammar.

by d_osborn

19 years, 6 months ago

Nobody, including Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis (great writers though they are) has been able to come up with a good script yet. The one and only script known to have been written for the long awaited sequel was of course back in 99 by Dan Aykroyd which was very poor indeed.
there were several drafts and treatments written, some solo aykroyd scripts and some collaborative aykroyd/ramis. the overly NEGATIVE review by stax at ign.com listed some negative aspects of the first draft… such as low humor, weird story, undeveloped characters, and high techno babble. according to SEVERAL interviews throughout the past 20 years, these were ALL big things in aykroyd's first drafts of GB and GB2, and we're all obviously fans of those films. there haven't been any reports regarding info on the collaborative aykroyd/ramis scripts. aykroyd said in an interview a while back that it was “one of the best hell scripts to ever come out of hollywood.”

so, it's entirely possible that aykroyd and ramis HAVE “come up with a good script.”

by matthew1

19 years, 6 months ago

That may be true, but how good? After reading what the script was about and the new characters, I personally didn't like it. The idea of hell entering our world is just too unoriginal and the new characters are just plain boring. Could it be possible that one of the reasons Murray doesn't want to do it is to do with the quality of the script? I think so. That is why I would encourage any script writers out there to write a funny yet original script for Ghostbusters 3 and, if possible, try to get it noticed by the likes of either Aykroyd, Ramis or Reitman.

by d_osborn

19 years, 6 months ago

That may be true, but how good?
like i said, no one has given details or information regarding the collaborative drafts of GB3. in other words, no on knows how good it is.

After reading what the script was about and the new characters, I personally didn't like it. The idea of hell entering our world is just too unoriginal and the new characters are just plain boring…
again, the review is not representative of all drafts, only aykroyd's 1999 first draft. like i said in my previous post, aykroyd's first draft of GB3 was right inline with his other first drafts. in the initial script for the original, it was set in the near future, with the ghostbusters traveling through several different dimensions, competing with other groups of ghostbusters. the characters were reportedly all the same, and the humor level was extremely low. ALL of those aspects were changed as the script developed. much the same for GB2, and it looked like GB3 was taking the same course. this is all highly documented in sources such as MAKING GHOSTBUSTERS and the GB/GB2 issues of CINEFEX magazine. there is no evidence to show that the collaborative scripts written by aykroyd and ramis for GB3 were bad. not to mention, aykroyd himself has said in TIME magazine that bill murray hasn't read any of the scripts for GB3.

as for writing a fan script, and having it read by aykroyd, ramis, reitmen, or any of the sony suits… it's a waste of time. not only can they not legally read it, GB is THEIR series. if another GB film were to go into production, i think we can safely say it would be guaranteed to be written by aykroyd and ramis…