what we CAN DO to get gb 3 on the scenes

by ecto_plasmic1

19 years, 6 months ago

I've read somewhere that I think Harold said something about GB3 is impossible.. cause the thing would be a joke. It's like screaming Ghostbusters! and these 4 fat old guys come in grey suits with proton packs on. Certainly it is pretty funny.. lol.. not to give your hopes up. Dan prolly still wants to do one but not featuring the original 4 I guess.

by d_osborn

19 years, 6 months ago

you're thinking of an interview published online just before ANALYZE THAT hit theaters. ramis recently talked in an interview how he teamed with aykroyd for an outline and a few drafts of GB3, and he was pleased with the script. if i get a chance, i'll post links to the interviews.

by matthew1

19 years, 6 months ago

There's no harm in trying to write a script. I think that although Aykroyd created Ghostbusters it doesn't mean he has to write the script for Ghostbusters III. I myself have almost finished one which I will try to get noticed. I've got nothing to loose. As for it being illegal to read the script, it would not be illegal for Ramis or Aykroyd to read any fan script. The only thing that would be illegal is that if it was registered as copyright and they used it without agreeing a contract. However the fan who wrote the script could only register it as copyright if they had a legal agreement with the licence holders in the first place. If the script that was written by the fan was not registered as copyright, used by Aykroyd without asking permission it is possible that the writer could gain money from the profits, but only if the writer could prove in court that it is a copy and that they wrote the original, but it is no way illegal for Ramis or Aykroyed to read a fan script.

I'm not honestly sure if Aykroyd should be the one to write Ghostbusters III. Not on his own anyway. His original Ghostbusters script which was set in the future and then had to be changed for many reasons, and it was only with the collaborative help of Ramis and Reitman that Ghostbusters was the success it was. Then there was Aykroyds Ghostbusters II. The script was poor. A copycat of the first movie with a weaker story to go with it.

All I'm saying is if a good fan script made it's way to Aykroyds desk who can say what would happen? He may read it. He may not. He may read some of it. He may like and dislike parts of it. He may even adopt ideas from it and incorporate them into another script. Who knows? He and Ramis are proud of the francise that they have created but I don't think that they would be foolish enough to disregard a great fan script if they were impressed by it.

by d_osborn

19 years, 6 months ago

man, i've been posting on GB boards since the late 90s… i've seen fan fic script solicitation posts since day one. aykroyd, ramis, reitman, their agents, and sony execs…. NONE of them will read an unsolicited fan script. no one in hollywood will. not only have i studied copyright/communications law… it will fall on deaf ears. there's nothing wrong, nor illegal about writing fan scripts….. write all day long. however, you will be wasting time and energy trying to get them read by anyone involved with GB3.

He may even adopt ideas from it and incorporate them into another script.
that's exactly why it wouldn't be read…

His original Ghostbusters script which was set in the future and then had to be changed for many reasons, and it was only with the collaborative help of Ramis and Reitman that Ghostbusters was the success it was.
i'm glad you read my previous posts on this thread.

Then there was Aykroyds Ghostbusters II. The script was poor. A copycat of the first movie with a weaker story to go with it.
aykroyd's first draft of GB2 wasn't even close to a “copycat” of the first film. here's the only bit of info of the initial GB2 script that was ever published, to my knowledge…
For the sequel, Aykroyd once again wrote the initial script–a story in which Dana was kidnapped and taken to Scotland where she discovered a fairy ring and civilization underground. “My first draft was really too far out,” Ayrkoyd reflected. “It was probably too inaccessible, though at the time I wrote it that it was the direction we should go in. I wanted to leave New York City behind because I thought we had done that. But New York is really the greatest arena for our kind of ghost story, and staying in the city gave continuity to the second film. One idea that did stay in our script was the notion of having things occur underground. We went skyward in the first film–up to the top of a skyscraper–so I thought for the second one it would be nice to see the underbelly of the city. But my original concept for going underground was different. It involved a pneumatic tube two thousand miles long that they traveled in for three days. It was like a primitive mail chute.”

by stantz1

19 years, 6 months ago

I need to see a third gb movie before I die! Im only 21 hopefully it'll be done by then. I also need a new GB game based of the original movie. Damn that'd be sweet!

by HannibalKing

19 years, 5 months ago

It's like screaming Ghostbusters! and these 4 fat old guys come in grey suits with proton packs on

LOL, That's what makes the idea of a Ghostbusters 3 hilarious…

by Para-psychology_doc

19 years, 5 months ago

Yeah, I dont hold out much hope for a Ghostbusters III, theres very little (If any) Chance of one being made any time soon. We should be focusing on how to get a new game done, that would probably be more fun than sitting around waiting for some third movie that will probably not be made, I think that a GTA gaming engine powering a Ghostbusters story would kick ass, lets not look through tunnel vision, lets take what we can get at this point.

by slimerxzx

19 years, 4 months ago

gb3 needs : all new young adults starring cast and ect.!!!!! (*janine) (*janine) (*janine)

by matthew1

19 years, 4 months ago


by Kingpin

19 years, 4 months ago


Seconded, we don't need a bunch of teeny boppers or brat pack kids doing something unforgivable to the franchise.