19 years, 6 months ago
19 years, 6 months ago
19 years, 6 months ago
19 years, 6 months ago
He may even adopt ideas from it and incorporate them into another script.that's exactly why it wouldn't be read…
His original Ghostbusters script which was set in the future and then had to be changed for many reasons, and it was only with the collaborative help of Ramis and Reitman that Ghostbusters was the success it was.i'm glad you read my previous posts on this thread.
Then there was Aykroyds Ghostbusters II. The script was poor. A copycat of the first movie with a weaker story to go with it.aykroyd's first draft of GB2 wasn't even close to a “copycat” of the first film. here's the only bit of info of the initial GB2 script that was ever published, to my knowledge…
For the sequel, Aykroyd once again wrote the initial script–a story in which Dana was kidnapped and taken to Scotland where she discovered a fairy ring and civilization underground. “My first draft was really too far out,” Ayrkoyd reflected. “It was probably too inaccessible, though at the time I wrote it that it was the direction we should go in. I wanted to leave New York City behind because I thought we had done that. But New York is really the greatest arena for our kind of ghost story, and staying in the city gave continuity to the second film. One idea that did stay in our script was the notion of having things occur underground. We went skyward in the first film–up to the top of a skyscraper–so I thought for the second one it would be nice to see the underbelly of the city. But my original concept for going underground was different. It involved a pneumatic tube two thousand miles long that they traveled in for three days. It was like a primitive mail chute.”
19 years, 6 months ago
19 years, 5 months ago
It's like screaming Ghostbusters! and these 4 fat old guys come in grey suits with proton packs on
19 years, 5 months ago
19 years, 4 months ago
19 years, 4 months ago
19 years, 4 months ago