what we CAN DO to get gb 3 on the scenes

by Para-psychology_doc

19 years, 4 months ago

Why is everyone SO AGAINSTthe originals? wtf? New people wouldnt make sense! WHEN WILL THE MADNESS STOP!?

by matthew1

19 years, 4 months ago

The replacement of much loved characters is the major reason why the last three Star Wars films arn't seen as good as the originals.

by Para-psychology_doc

19 years, 4 months ago

Well, while I agree with you, I dont think that your example was the best one. If they were going to make the new movies with all the same characters, I dont think “Star Wars: The Sperm adventures” starring Luke Skywalker would have been a very good series of movies. Lucas had to tell the story of I II and III. and they had plenty of original characters. Anakin was the same guy, Obi-Wan was there, Yoda was there, Palpatine was there, even E.T. was there (Episode I, for those of you who pay attention) But newayz, I'm off-topic here… Ghostbusters would not work without the four originals in it. We saw that clearly with the Extreme Ghostbusters.

by matthew1

19 years, 4 months ago

Favourites such as Han Solo and Luke Skywalker didn't appear and the characters which reappeared were played by diifferent actors. This is understanble because the movies are of course set in a different time. However' the fact that these actors were now missing, although an understandable one was a mojor factor into why the new movies arn't as loved as much as the originals.

by fusi0n1

19 years, 4 months ago

However' the fact that these actors were now missing, although an understandable one was a mojor factor into why the new movies arn't as loved as much as the originals.
Nice new word there Matthew, ‘mojor’. I like it.

mojor factor:
The major factor which also happens to be the ‘mojo’ of the franchise. Not to be left out from future movies.

by NicoG

19 years, 2 months ago

Hi there people ! I'm a big fan of the Ghostbusters franchise and this is the first time on this website. Thats because this is my first time on the internet. Well I have been hoping that people will feel the same way I do about getting Ghostbusters 3 made. For the last 6 months I have been working on a script for this Movie and I have to say the story according to my friends is great. The details unfortunatly I cannot talk about but I can tell you that it will include the original cast and a new younger team of Ghostbusters. When I am totally finished with it, I am personaly going to fly over to America to get this thing made. Your inspiring dreams and thoughts will make this a reallity in the near future. Here's keeping the dream REAL !!!!

by Kingpin

19 years, 2 months ago

For the last 6 months I have been working on a script for this Movie and I have to say the story according to my friends is great. The details unfortunatly I cannot talk about but I can tell you that it will include the original cast and a new younger team of Ghostbusters. When I am totally finished with it, I am personaly going to fly over to America to get this thing made.

Ha, like it's ever going to happen.

Sony have no reason to touch a fan script with a ten and a half meter pole, they'd get an official screenwriting to create one, and one already exists… there won't be a third Ghostbusters movie as long as Bill Murray is against it.

Sorry to sound overly negative, NicoG, but people have come before, with scripts in hand saying they'll go to America and get them made… and nothing ever comes of them.

by fusi0n1

19 years, 2 months ago

Sony have no reason to touch a fan script with a ten and a half meter pole
Ooh, they upgraded? lol.

and nothing ever comes of them.
I would prefer people being motivated to see this movie be made, they're more enthused and show more heart than Sony ever will. Sure it's a sense of false hope, but I'd rather see some dim light at the end of the tunnel, then no light at all!

by sinister1

19 years, 2 months ago

, I'm off-topic here… Ghostbusters would not work without the four originals in it. We saw that clearly with the Extreme Ghostbusters.

Disagree entirely. it worked and worked well. The issue is that if they did it in a film, it would look weird because it would look like a bunch of (no offence to anyone here, that includes me) franchise-pretenders. who look out of place in the uniform. That or they'll be too… far out and too.. “cool” Imagine Will Smith, it would be TERRIBLE! No, I could imagine a film with new AND old GBs in it, but it would have to be handled well… VERY well… and without being a rehash of the EGB plot.

Now, for interests sake… any one have any suggestions on how one could introduce new younger GBs into a third film and make it credible? They could be anything fromm 18 to 40.

by pantshater24

19 years, 2 months ago

Hi there people ! I'm a big fan of the Ghostbusters franchise and this is the first time on this website. Thats because this is my first time on the internet. Well I have been hoping that people will feel the same way I do about getting Ghostbusters 3 made. For the last 6 months I have been working on a script for this Movie and I have to say the story according to my friends is great. The details unfortunatly I cannot talk about but I can tell you that it will include the original cast and a new younger team of Ghostbusters. When I am totally finished with it, I am personaly going to fly over to America to get this thing made. Your inspiring dreams and thoughts will make this a reallity in the near future. Here's keeping the dream REAL !!!!

so mr. chappelle, this is what you have been doing in africa this entire time eh. GET BACK HERE AND MAKE MORE CHAPPELLE'S SHOW!!!