what we CAN DO to get gb 3 on the scenes

by matthew1

19 years, 2 months ago

, I'm off-topic here… Ghostbusters would not work without the four originals in it. We saw that clearly with the Extreme Ghostbusters.

Disagree entirely. it worked and worked well. The issue is that if they did it in a film, it would look weird because it would look like a bunch of (no offence to anyone here, that includes me) franchise-pretenders. who look out of place in the uniform. That or they'll be too… far out and too.. “cool” Imagine Will Smith, it would be TERRIBLE! No, I could imagine a film with new AND old GBs in it, but it would have to be handled well… VERY well… and without being a rehash of the EGB plot.

Now, for interests sake… any one have any suggestions on how one could introduce new younger GBs into a third film and make it credible? They could be anything fromm 18 to 40.

1 Venkman, Stanz, Spengler and Zeddmore are approaching retirement. To make way for this, a new team taken on and trained by the original four.

2 The original Ghostbusters get into trouble. Four reluctant young men from the New york fire department, who drew the short straws are randomly chosen to save them in an emergency operation like no other. Over the course of the years the Ghostbusters buisiness and the New York fire department have grown a bitter hatred for one another. The firemen are always having to put out fires that the Ghostbusters have started with their particle accelorators and are never too far behind. The firemen are introduced and bond over the course of the movie. By the end they grow a new respect for the Ghostbusting profession and realise they don't want to go back to their old jobs as firemen.

3 A bunch of students from Spenglers paranormal class join the Ghostbusters for a short while. They soon realise that they're going to have to be doing more than revision.

Well those are my ideas. Personally I think the second premise looks the most original and promising for a good screenplay to be written for it. what do you think?

by CrimsonGhostbuster

19 years, 2 months ago

I like the third one… that sounds like something that they'd actually use. It'd be in the same vein as “EGB”… just not… (God I hate using this word) “extreme”. Make them normal… not a bunch of kooky kids from different sides of the tracks… just smart students. Maybe one smart ass just to liven things up a bit though, just to fill in for the Venkman gap that everyone's gonna miss.

by NicoG

19 years, 2 months ago

Ha, like it's ever going to happen.

Well Brother. If you're a true fan you would wish me luck and tell me where you live so I can come and visit you on my way to Mr Dan Aykroyd's house in Beverley Hills. My friend, life is already such a downer, why not be positive about this. So what if other people promised to do what I want to do. You do not know me, who says I can't make it happen? So good luck to you all and lets pray it gets made.

Adios Amigos!!!

by Kingpin

19 years, 2 months ago

I am a true fan, I've supported this franchise one way or another for most of my life… but I've been around long enough to know how it works… an over ambitious new member joins, holding their latest fan script, shouting from the rooftops that they're either gonna send it to Sony or send it to Dan Aykroyd himself, and in every single case not a single thing has come of them. Firstly, Sony does not accept fan scrips, it's unsolicited… unsanctions and not written by a recognised screen writer. I live in England… enjoy spending the air fare, and now, I might be mistaken, but I'm sure Dan Aykroyd actually lives in Martha's Vineyard, not Beverly Hills.

Look… I've been a fan for as long as I can remember… and I would love it, if a true third movie was made… boy could we use one.

But a lot of people who come here… they're unrealistic, their dreams and ambitions cloud their ability that it's not as simple as dropping a script at Dan's door and hoping for the best. Even if it was a good script, it could still ge regected on funding… interest or on the licence rights which have been a constant factor.

I reitterate… you're not a professional screen writer… now, I'm not a expert on the longistics… but I'd wager that Sony wouldn't look at your script unless you were a member of the Screen Writer's Guild… and even then, it was never officially sanctioned… had no permission from the copyright/right holders and is more then likely to have things that a lawyer would find problems with.

In the end… I'm trying to spare you a lot of pain, mysery and wasted money… I'm sorry if I come off a jerk, but you can't allow yourself to look on the fanscript with rose tinted glasses forever.

by matthew1

19 years, 2 months ago

Whilst I agree Kingpin, it's kind of fun having these dreams even if they are totally unrealistic.

It reminds me of something I heard Stallone say regarding his never say die attitude into getting into the movie industry. People were telling him that he was dumb, ugly, couldn't talk properly etc. He said “It was only in the blissfull ignorance of youth that I wouldn't give up”. He then wrote Rocky. I know, writing a Ghostbusters movie is a different situation because of the copyright but this blissful ignorance that Stallone described can be a good thing because it gives a person the beleif that they will eventually live their dream.

I guess if any fan out there wants to write a script or screenplay for a Ghostbusters movie and for it to have any chance of being taken seriously and noticed by the industry, their gonna have to turn professional so that they are recognised by the industry.

After that? maybe making friends with either Aykroyd or Ramis would be a good idea.

by suvarna_rohit

19 years, 2 months ago

ok guys how abt instead of making a live action mov…since the guyz r a bit old n outta shape(not tht i wud mind)….GB3 can b made as a 3D animated mov.
i mean its jus an idea….v can hav the original cast looking as they were 20 yrs ago….

by MasterSpider

19 years, 2 months ago

I really can't believe people would want to see a 3D animated Ghostbusters movie.

There's one thing people don't seem to realize.

We all love Ghostbusters around here, there's no denying that. And I know I'm going to get chastised for saying this, but the love doesn't spread as much as you guys speak about it.

You all talk about Ghostbusters as if it's a franchise the size of Star Wars or X-Men, one of those huge blockbuster trains. Unfortunately, it's not. And it's pretty good that it's not, because I really don't think it'd work as well. It's a really good comedy with two really good movies.

Of course I think there could be a third really good movie. But firstly, it's been sat on for too long now, without a doubt. Everyone's got their own conceptions of it, and too specific of pictures in their heads. There's NO way everyone would be pleased with it. Infact, most of us probably wouldn't like it, and that'd be fact.

Secondly, there's no way it will ever break off into a “lesser” movie, such as a 3D animated feature. It's just quite simply, unnecessary. Maybe there could be a video game based on it with all these celebrities not caring about lending their voices to video games, but we'll never see a 3D animated movie on the big screen.

And do you think I wasn't excited a while back when that interview came out saying Harold Ramis had CHRIS ROCK on tap in his head as a Ghostbuster? I exploded. That would be a dream come true for me. An absolute dream come true. But already, there were loads and loads of people who didn't agree with it. The internet has made people alot more critical and self indulgent than they used to be. Instead of waiting to see how funny the movie would have been, people probably would have made petitions campaigning for Chris Rock to be replaced. And without even giving it a chance, even if it's not up their alley.

Now don't get me wrong, I was here for years just like you guys saying it will happen, blah blah blah, it is a youthful thing.
But I dunno, I kind of feel like it's even passed that now. Maybe it's just something I don't see anymore because I'm older, but I really don't think so…

by matthew1

19 years, 2 months ago

It does seem as though too much time has passed. I remember even ten years ago thinking “it's been six years now since Ghostbusters II, they'd better make another before it's too late”. Now it's 2006 and we still havn't had one and it doesn't look like we're going to.

However, I wouldn't dismiss a feature length computer animated Ghostbusters movie in the future. As I said in another thread, the technology used is progressing all the time and if any movie can work as a feature length cartoon, Ghostbusters can. No other movie francise has switched from live action to animation but there's always a first.

by sinister1

19 years, 2 months ago

Sweet Jesus, CGI?! No thankyou.

CGI is impersonal, and nowhere near as expressive as cartoons or real life. Not only that, but it would detract from the slightly back water feel of Ghostbusters.

by MasterSpider

19 years, 2 months ago

Yeah. I see why everyone keeps suggesting it though, it's sort of a way out, and it'd be something, but the idea will probably never even be thrown around. Even if someone makes a country-wide trek to tell them about it… (*egon)