what would you do?

by protoK

21 years, 6 months ago

so what would you do first if you heard a cofirmed report that GB3 was being made?

I would jump up and down and call everyone

by Tobin2027

21 years, 6 months ago

1. I would start saving every penny. I wouldnt spend ANY money. So I would have it to buy all the merchandise like posters, soundtracks, cards, ect.

2. I would heavily promote it. Tell my brother right away. Tell my parents second. Then Id tell all my friends. Brag about it. Create banners to put on my website(www.bigshowworld.cjb.net) and signatures for my profiles to the other forums Im a member of (www.prowrestlingscoops.com , www.dvdtalk.com). And create a website focusing only around GB3. And if possible get a GB3 t-shirt to wear around. If none are available to buy, Id get one profesonally made. And throw a GB party in which only two of my friends would come to, but it'd be fun. That's about it.

by Sandra

21 years, 6 months ago

jump up and down excitedly, that is if no guys are looking. then impatiently wait for the movie to come out.