What would you do if??

by Teeth

22 years, 3 months ago

I would scream and shout “Happy” then I would turn into a Terror Dog, pounce out the theatre screaming woof.

Teeth, Father of the Terror Dogs.


by GBix

22 years, 3 months ago

i'd be in shock and walk out of the place, cuz if i saw that preview, that would have been worth the 12 bucks i'd spend that day.

by BusterJJS

22 years, 3 months ago

A tear of joy would stream down my face.

by drugasbuster

22 years, 2 months ago

id get kicked out of the teatre for taking all my clothes away and start running like a mental case

by PenguinKing

22 years, 2 months ago

first i'd poo my pants. then have whoever's with me slap me to see if i was dreaming. then i knock him out for slapping me. run around chanting “BOHA!” run up kiss the projectionist (hopefully it's a girl) run back down tear down the other posters screaming “you wont be needing these anymore”. then run back in the thearter hug everyone in it and start crying. and when the cops come to drag me a way from the projecton both (because i'd be watching it over and over) i'd scream “I TOLD YOU IT WAS COMING DIDN'T I? DIDN'T I?” as my friends pretended they didn't know me.

by PF4Eva

22 years, 2 months ago

I don't know where to start. smile

First, my heart would almost stop. Then, assuming I live through it, I would post all about it on the messageboard (if there was already a post about it from someone who already saw the same preview while waiting to see the same movie, I would just reply to his/her post). I would just let the whole world know about this highly-anticipated sequel. It's only a matter of time now: Soon Bill Murray is gonna relent on his no-sequel policy (again) an once again reprise his role as Peter Venkman for seven more sequels (j/k, but that would rock though smile.)

I'm glad I'm jotting this all down so that I remember what to do when the time finally comes. yikes

by Mr.No_Ghost

22 years, 1 month ago

After the teaser trailer finishes, I will smile, weep tears of joy, stand, raaaaaiiiiiise my fists triumphantly, and shout to the top of my lungs…GHOSTBUSTERS!!!

by DoctorWho

22 years, 1 month ago

Imagine if you heard there were previews at the theatres for another Ghosbusters movie, and then (confused at why you never heard about it, but still excited beyond belief) you're sitting in the theatre, heart pounding in anticipation. Suddenly you hear “lets go ghostbusters” and a preview for a Filmation's Ghostbusters movie suddenly appears with a stupid CGI ape prancing around? NOOOOOOOO! What would you do then?


22 years, 1 month ago

I would run around shouting at everyone “ Ha hahahaha, i told you so i told you so!”, i would be so happy run to my girlfriends house tell her the news and thank her wink

or summit like that

by Mr.No_Ghost

22 years, 1 month ago

Dr. Who, I don't know what I would do, but I'd probably be pretty darn upset. But, I'm almost certain that the person next to me in the theater would get mad red and holler, “Son of a…”

(What? You thought I would say something innapproriate? Come on…this is a family message boardwink )