What would you like Ghostbusters III to be like?

by Kingpin

19 years, 1 month ago

Yeah that would really kinda suck for the author if they DID release Return of Gozer in some official format. After all the work he put into it too…

That, and the guys writing ‘Chronicles of Gozer’… which is what I originally meant.

by Para-psychology_doc

19 years, 1 month ago

Yeah, thats wut I was talking about, I meant it would suck for the author of Chronicles of Gozer if that happened, because he wrote a great story (in my opinon) and then it would just be meaningless, like a LOT of the Star Wars books that were released before Episode I came out.

by Slimething19

19 years, 1 month ago

HI everyone I am new to this site. Huge GB fan. I was thinking since it is hard to find actors that can fill the shoes of the origanal cast why not do a cgi film with the original cast doing all the voices. The ninja turtles are doing a cgi after there creaters swore never to do one. They said the next movie would be live action and now the TMNT is cgi and 2007. Im just saying cgi might be a cool way to go. It would be the only way to get everyone back in the same roles. Plus cgi now looks to real. Check this it


by CrimsonGhostbuster

19 years, 1 month ago

This was discussed in another forum, dood.

by CrimsonGhostbuster

19 years, 1 month ago

I have an idea on what I'd like to see a trailer for it begin like:

Voice Over: They have battled Gozar the Gamerian.

They have crusaded against Vigo the Carpathian

They have fought…


Now they have returned for a battle against the forces of evil.


by Kingpin

19 years, 1 month ago

O Fortuna

O Fortuna? That one of those trailer specific pieces, or a released track?

by CrimsonGhostbuster

19 years, 1 month ago

Trailer specific. And that's the only song I could think of at the moment… I'd also use something by Orff that's nightmarish and full of what we Americans call “oomf” .

by devil2brave

19 years, 1 month ago

In the movie they should have a army of ghosts trying to ressurect a former demon that has been trapped between our world and hell, the ghosts need to turn the so many humans into ghosts to break the seal and release there master, the ghosts can turn humans into ghosts by just walking through them.

I think they should have ben stiller owen wilson will farell and vince vaughn as the new ghostbusters but still have the old one to teach them a thing or two.
let me know what you think as this is my first time on this site

by devil2brave

19 years, 1 month ago

Theres nobody out there who ya going to call

by liquidvishn1

19 years, 1 month ago

the ghosts can turn humans into ghosts by just walking through them.

Would this not be Final Fantasy?? Plus, as in FF how do you catch something that can kill you by simply going through you? Too many dead ghostbusters and an terrible balance of theory and logic would kill it.

p.s. Welcome to the boards.