What would you say the coolest piece of GB Merch is?

by Stoofuss

21 years, 10 months ago

YES!! I finally got a freaking Ebay name and have already bought a 18'' stuffed Stay Puft Man. I've also bid on the figure and the pencil sharpener (as you can tell I;m kinda partial to the Stay Puft Man :s )- But I was wondering what you guys would consider purchasing. :O

by d_osborn

21 years, 10 months ago

since you're a stay puft fan, there are several cool things that i've seen on there in the past few months. probably the coolest, and a one of a kind , was an ORIGINAL stay puft hand from the original latex foam costume. it went for like $380, and i was outbid at the LAST second. :l( another cool stay puft peice, still one of a kind, was the ORIGINAL final design drawing, it went for like $350, but didn't hit the reserve. i came VERY close to buying it, and i still might get my paws on it. another cool thing, more merchandise than production material, would be the tsuduka stay puft model, brings a pretty penny on ebay. i think the scale is like 1/90 or something. i THINK it's about a foot and a half tall. it came with two heads, happy and angry. tsuduka also produced a fine terror dog model, which i own. right now, i have more terror dog peices in my collection than stay puft. there are also animation cels from the stay puft RGB episodes, some for as cheap as $25. more common items are the RGB stay puft figure, probably $25-50 MOC.

as for what i collect, ANY production material from either GB film. my favs are concept drawings/paintings, storyboards, character designs, scripts, props, etc.

good luck! shoot me an email sometime.

by Stoofuss

21 years, 10 months ago

:O Awesome news about SP– Do you know the E-Bay web adresses where the movie models of him are being auctioned off? Or at least where the pictures might be? –Same goes for the RGB Animation cells- thanks. :s

by Stoofuss

21 years, 10 months ago

well if at this point this topic has grown drab- I'd at least like to know what you guys think the coolest GB thing is on E-bay right now…

by mrpecker1

21 years, 10 months ago

I won a regular sized 1984 gb movie poster, but my brother, he found a good one. He won a HUGE theatrical poster that was displayed in a Theater in New York in 83-84. You wouldnt believe how big this thing is…..its about as big as my truck..haha. We went to have a frame made for it….and it wouldve cost 600 bucks. Maybe that gives you the idea of the size. And the material its made of is so thick it almost feels like cloth…its crazy.

by ladyjane09

21 years, 10 months ago

Ebay is one of the greatest places out there to find GB items. Speaking of which, I just obtained my *mint* RGB magazines in the mail today! eeeeee


by Stoofuss

21 years, 10 months ago

Awesome- I'm still partial to Stay Puft stuff though ( :s ) Got any cool links that you can give me?

BTW- I'm also interested inthe original figures, teh boxes would be cool, but they would probably be VERY expensive, so far I;ve only found THIS Which I think would look pretty sweet on my shelf with all my other cool stuff.

by ghostbuster1000

21 years, 10 months ago

i would say my fav peice of rgb mercandise would be my first series carded peter venkman even thow im a egon fan myself pters figure was just so cool ! Nice thing about hanveing surgery and being in bed you can think about these things

by d_osborn

21 years, 10 months ago

hmmmmm… the COOLEST on ebay right now would have to be this wonderful little peice that just jumped out of price range… http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=790&item=3316398360&rd=1

by river_of_slime

21 years, 10 months ago

Well my coolest stuff i dint find on eBay. I got a RGB Bored game thats never been open and its in German. I also got GB2 8mm form which is also unopen and very hard to find.