What would you say the coolest piece of GB Merch is?

by abathalon

21 years, 10 months ago

Oops Sorry Stoofuss, I didnt mean to mistype your name.
I'm not ready to part with this piece, yet
Unless you have $450 to spend

Osborn, is the Stay Puft pictured on your site the Pre packaged one? What are the differences between the production one and the one you have?


by d_osborn

21 years, 10 months ago

yep, stoofus referred to it as pre-packaged. it's just a normal first issue stay puft MOC. are you interested in also selling your ecto-painting, interested in any trades?

by abathalon

21 years, 10 months ago

Osborn, The painting of Ecto-1 is not available for sale for the moment, since It is one my favorite piece and I just had a customized frame made especially for it that cost me A LOT :l(
But I'll keep you in mind if I need to sell it


by Stoofuss

21 years, 10 months ago

Hey, quick questions now that the subject of trades is on the table…
I have the 18'' stuffed Stay Puft, which I MIGHT be willing to trade, I also have a GB2 Promotional drinking glass found in a flea market in Europe that I would consider trading, I also have a lot of old action figures (not GB) some MOC, some not, that I would be interested in trading for the MOC Stay Puft. :0

by d_osborn

21 years, 10 months ago

st00fus-any first series MOC RGB's?

abathalon-that's cool, i can see why you would like the peice. what other GB items do you have?

by Stoofuss

21 years, 10 months ago

:f Like I said I have no GB figures, other than the Stay Puft and the cup… here's the MOC stuff I have (Please keep in mind I have a lot of opened Action Figures)

1.) View Askew's Bluntman
2.) View Askews's Chronic
3.) J. Jonah Jameson of Spider-Man
4.) Simpson's Disco Stu
5.) Simpson's Bartman
6.) Simpson's Snake
7.) Simpson's Wendell
8.) The new 2003 TMNT's (All but Shreder)
9.) Neo (Matrix)
10.) Morpheous (Matrix)
11.) Trinnity (Spin around-pose of the Matrix)

by d_osborn

21 years, 10 months ago

cool collection, but i really only collect RGB and TMNT figures. i already have all of the new line. MOC stay pufts pop up quite a bit on ebay. keep your eyes peeled.

by Stoofuss

21 years, 10 months ago

Well, there is one on there right now that I am currently the tip bidder for– but there are 8 days left… :u Instant Message me on AIM, we'll talk merchandise.

by d_osborn

21 years, 10 months ago

i don't have AIM anymore, but i do have MSN, :d
anyway, stoofuss…. buddy…. let me give ya a hint…. DON'T… i repeat DON'T bid early on ebay auctions. i know the excitment can be overwhelming, but it's best to wait it out until at least the last hour or two. even better, the last five seconds. the price is just going to be driven up higher from people bidding early. trust me, i've been ebaying for years. good luck with mr. stay puft. :d