Whats everyones fav game system?

by RunDMC

23 years, 3 months ago

It's always my current console. At the moment it's the Dreamcast but before that I like the PlayStation and before that the MegaDrive (haven't owned anything else). I'm going to get a GameBoy Advance but then I won't buy any more consoles. The Dreamcast and GBA will do me now.

by Twister

23 years, 3 months ago

Mine would have to be N64, but sometimes I wish I had PS2 cuz they have some kick-ass games.

by SavannahGB

23 years, 3 months ago

for the old NES owners, whats your fav game? I got so many i can only name a few like Godzilla, Ghostbusters, mostly movie tie in games. How bout yall?


23 years, 3 months ago


by Badgermattuk

23 years, 3 months ago

I swear all americans love Nintendo, and most of UK and Japan love Sony?

Whats up with that!?

I am on a mission to collect all game consoles since i was born in 1984, and all i need is the Lynx, x-box, and original Megadrive. smile

by SavannahGB

23 years, 3 months ago

the old game systems just seem cooler to me. I have to like the set up for the game and the game play itself. Old consoles did that much better. Thats why i love the old NES. And to tell the truth Badgermattuck, im really not sure why yall love sony more over in the UK.

by SavannahGB

23 years, 3 months ago

Hey Dan, what do you think? You work for a game mag, whats your thoughts?

by Dr.Venkman

23 years, 3 months ago

Any Nintendo System. The Atari 2600 and Sega Master System is up there, too.

by EgonSpengler

23 years, 3 months ago

NES Bay-BEE!! Man, what everyone in this post has said about the NES….. It's true, it's all true! I can't do anything but agree!I have Genesis, but it can't compare. I have Game Boy Color, which is almost as good, but the NES rules!!! It is my main system.

Oh, SavannahGB, here is Spengler's guide to making an NES work. 100% garunteed to work, or you get a couple of Ectoplasmic-noogies from Slimer…
(Note: if done correctly, no harm will come to your NES)
Step 1:Turn you NES upside-down, and remove the screws, take the top half of the NES off.
Step 2:Unscrew, and remove the metel shild (the one for FCC regulations) so you can see the cartridge housing.
Step 3smileip a q-tip in some rubbing alchol, so it is saturated, and move the swab back and forth on the cartridge connector. It is being cleaned.
Repeat steps 1 & 2 over in reverse to finish the process.

Note: you might want to clean the cartridge chip in the same manner (minus the unscrewing of things, and such) and clean the chip. Now, when you are done, look at the q-tip. See all that dirt? That's why your NES didn't work!!!

by SavannahGB

23 years, 3 months ago

Hey Egon. According to the manual i got, it says that using rubbing alcohol on the game tip and inside of the NES will screw it up. Will using i anway screw it up?