What's with the Extreme GB hatred?

by ghstbstrlmliii1

13 years, 11 months ago

Personally, and I know I might be opening up a can of worms with this, but I was (and still am) really turned off to all of the political correctness they felt needed to be included. And it just seeps through the whole series because that's what the main characters are.

Also - I personally didn't like the changes to equipment or the uniforms.

That being said - I think they did have some really good episodes.

by jettajeffro

13 years, 11 months ago

I think what I didn't like about it is the “Extreme” in the name. It was in that whole era of “Extreme” everything. Maybe the Real-er Ghostbusters?

by vigo_the_butch1

13 years, 11 months ago

i personally really enjoyed the show. They had very interesting and sometimes creepy episodes. I think it was good that it only lasted 40 episodes. itdidn't have a chance to be lightened up for children.

by ghstbstrlmliii1

13 years, 11 months ago

I think what I didn't like about it is the “Extreme” in the name. It was in that whole era of “Extreme” everything. Maybe the Real-er Ghostbusters?

haha. I remember that my local station put EGB on in the mornings right after Extreme Dinosaurs.

by DkiDClue

13 years, 11 months ago

only thing i hate about extreme GB's is the exteme part , never liked that

by Edge

13 years, 11 months ago

I don't “hate” EGB, I just don't like it as much as RGB. Several factors at work:

1. I was older. It's going to be hard for a show to compete with the memories of my youth.

2. A little too PC for me. The cast felt like a checklist - black team member, check. Hispanic, check. Physically challenged, check.

3. I was not as big a fan of the animation style. Batman TAS pulled off a nice balance of style and realism. Shows like EGB and Men in Black never quite did it for me on the same level.

4. I am not one of those people who has ever loved the idea of the Ghostbusters going out of business. I hated the idea in GB2, and I certainly didn't like it as a tv series. To me, it felt like every time they needed an excuse to go in a different direction, the defaulted to the old “going out of business” line.

5. Not enough time had passed. It felt too forced for the time period. I think I'd be much more receptive to the idea now.

6. It just wasn't the characters I grew up with. Ghostbusters is a very character driven concept. It's not about buying into a universe. Instead, at its core, the franchise is really about four guys coming together as a team. It's the ghostbusting component that makes us stop and pay attention, but it's the characters that keep us interested. Take away those characters and you essentially gut the entire concept. No matter how hard you try, it's almost always going to come off as an imitation. Even if they remind you of the original characters, it still misses the point because now you're preoccupied by who these guys are not, as oppossed to who they are.

by Nate-GhostbusterLord

13 years, 11 months ago

wait wait wait. there is Extreme Ghostbusters hatred going on?…..this does not bode well.

by flameboy2

13 years, 11 months ago

I love EGB, I think it was a great idea and I think they pulled it off aswell as can be expected. From the perspective of being an adult now I find EGB far more enjoyable to watch than RGB, despite the lack of nostalgia attached (I only discovered EGB a couple of years back).

I loved the fact the kit was all new and have just made my own interpretations as to why everything was how it was.

The original GB's had all moved on, they were much older and probably not in any position to “reform” to deal with the immediate danger due to age and a more relaxed and unhealthy life style. Even Egon didn't go back into the field despite being there, he knew it wasn't his place and got a new young team, who happened to be the first people he encountered at the time.

The trap I figured was re-designed to be worn on the back to keep it out the way so I was fine with that. Perhaps the proton packs and the “ammo” design was down to the fact they had to be made out of what was available at the time with little time, money or resources. The old kit was probably warn out due to age and overuse and it may not have been possible to get the right components so it was easier to come up with a new, all be it less efficient design. Obviously none of that's really fact, it's just the rational I like to use rather than just accept it was flawed.

The Ecto I just assumed was the different drawing style used, I never knew it was intentionally different for right issues, that's interesting to know!

I recently picked up the figures to customise into the show “uniforms” and would love nothing more than for the rest of the series to get a full DVD release.

by Kingpin

13 years, 11 months ago

a new team was needed

A new team wasn't neccesarily needed, if all a production team wished to do was to carry on the persuit of animated Ghostbusters adventures (the studio could've gone with the originals in a reboot rather than a continuation), but the specifics of the particular plot neccesitated some fresh blood.

I think what I didn't like about it is the “Extreme” in the name. It was in that whole era of “Extreme” everything.

It wasn't even that extreme, where were the electric guitars and bright flashy colours that embodied a lot of the 90s? The colours were rather dark and subdued, and the music was a largely mournful score.

by jettajeffro

13 years, 11 months ago

It wasn't even that extreme, where were the electric guitars and bright flashy colours that embodied a lot of the 90s? The colours were rather dark and subdued, and the music was a largely mournful score.

That's what I thought was so funny about it. If they had been jumping out of planes while busting ghosts, then maybe.