Whats your favorite "Star Wars" Ship, Vehicle, Speeder.....

by Venkman

23 years, 3 months ago

Whats your favorite Star Wars Vehicle, Ship, Speeder, etc? Im a Millinium Falcon guy, but i do also like the snowspeeder and the A-Wing.

by fixer79

23 years, 3 months ago

I'd say Millenium Falcon, Slave-1 and AT-AT.

by Dr.Spengler

23 years, 3 months ago

I've always loved the Millenium Falcon.
A few of my other favorites are all of the Wings (X, Y, A, B), and the TIE Interceptor. smile

by DragonTech

23 years, 3 months ago

Millenium Falcon, Speeder, and A-wing are my LEAST favorite. I'm sorry but I can't stand flying them in Rouge Squadron.

The Y-wing is the best ship for me. You can say it's slow all ya' want, but I've shot down Intercepters with that thing. And I'm SIC with the B-wing. V-Wing ain't bad either, I mean, it's got those homing cluster missles! Too bad it's not in the sequel, Rouge Leader…
But the Slave I is and it's got like 30 homing clusters, sweet.

by GBTaiMaiShu

23 years, 3 months ago

I like the A-Wing, E-Wing, & Naboo Starfighter

Rogue Squadron shouldn't affect the way you think about the ships, plus some parts aren't accurate (Slave 1 doesn't have 30 cluster missiles, maybe normal ones, V-Wing doesn't have missiles at all)

by ParanormalGB2K1

23 years, 3 months ago

Slave 1 is my fav. I also love the B-Wing, Interceptor and TIE Bomber.


by Venkman

23 years, 2 months ago

Ya, i also like the Slave 1 and Tie Interceptor. I agree with Tai Mai Shu, Rogue Squadron shouldnt be affecting your decision… smile

by DragonTech

23 years, 2 months ago

Anything that I've played for 7 hours straight should affect my decision, trust me.

If I don't go with Rouge Squadron, I would have to go with Y-Wing, Slave I, TIE Intercepter, and B-Wing.


The Slave I has tons o' weapons. It's got super-powerful Ion-cannons, Proton Torpedos, Concussion Missles, (both homing.) And of course those laser cannons in the front. 1 sic ship.

by Ross

23 years, 2 months ago

Just a hint guys, it's ‘Rogue Squadron’ not Rouge, I don't usually comment on spelling unless you're accidentally saying red in French.

I haven't played the Rogue Squad game (soon to be games I guess). But I've been hearing a lot about the Y-Wing being slow. That's weird to me, because the Y-Wing was originally a very fast ship (faster than X-Wings) but with little manuverability or firepower (which actually made them the best ships to go on the Death Star trench mission). In Return of the Jedi, the A-Wing was faster, smaller, had more firepower, and better manuverability so the Y-Wings were nearly scrapped. (Hehe, boy do I know Star Wars…).

My favourite ships? Tie for first between Snowspeeders and X-Wings. I'm also very fond of the Speeder Bikes in Return of the Jedi. And my favourite Imperial starfigher is the ‘phantom ships’ from Rebel Assault II. Cool use of wings.

by GhostBuster-Duo

23 years, 2 months ago

I like the A-Wing cause it is fast and very monurverable! I also like the B-Wing! Mellinum Falcon is the shit! That thing is awsome! I also like the Dewback… They are comfertable and dont need much water…and make a great pair of boots!