When did you see the Ghostbusters for the first time?

by Vinz-2206

15 years, 4 months ago

I saw it on VHS at either four or five years old. The only tape I ever had become defective from watching it so many times.

by rockstar232007

15 years, 4 months ago

I saw it (GB1) at the theater when I was two, and I can remember every minute of it.(*peter)

by Edge

15 years, 4 months ago

I was too young to see it in theatres. However, we had a VCR and I can remember my parents renting it when it first came out.

I fell in love with the movie and made my parents go out and buy it.

There are a few movies that I know by heart, Ghostbusters is one of them.

by DocFritz

15 years, 4 months ago

First saw it on HBO in the summer of 1985. I was 14.

First saw the cartoon on November 1, 1986–“When Halloween Was Forever” (a very good place to start). I was 15.

Saw GB2 in the theatres on opening day, June 16, 1989. I was 18.

by Edge

15 years, 4 months ago

I don't remember when I first saw the RGB, but I know it was during that first season.

Ironically, I have almost no memory of watching it on Saturday morning. I have a feeling I was probably too busy watching CBS' lineup. I think most of my exposure was from watching it on Syndication. I believe it was on a young upstart in NY known as Fox 5.

by Nix

15 years, 4 months ago

I first saw it when I rented it from a movie-rental shop in Dominick's* back in…1992, I think. I seem to recall it having a Universal Studios commercial in front of it, I don't know–I've never seen the commercial in subsequent copies.

*Yes, there WAS a movie-rental place in Dominick's back when the fad first started. Now it's been replaced by the REDBOX system.

by Vinz-2206

15 years, 4 months ago

I'm not as clear on when I first discovered RGB either, but I'm thinking I found out about the whole franchise at roughly the same time.

by egonsgirl1

15 years, 4 months ago

Wow! I can't believe my account is STILL active. It's been YEARS since I posted.

Anyway, I don't remember when I saw GB1, but I saw RGB when it first came out. I saw GB2 in theaters in 1989.

by stayinpuft1

15 years, 4 months ago

I really don't know when the first time I saw GB1 as I was a month old when it came out… I'm pretty sure I got into RGB before I saw GB1 though. I have vivid memories of seeing GB2 in the cinema though… I remember I had NO idea they were making a sequel and one day my mom said to me “Oh, do you want to go see the new Ghostbusters movie?” and she showed me a small ad for it in the newspaper. Needless to say I just about crapped my pants…

Sometime later my Mom/Dad/Sister and I went to the really sketchy theatre downtown to see it… I had a great time! I also recall the theater being pretty empty/quiet… One of my favourite moments was during the montage when the Ecto 1A is first revealed pulling out of the firehouse… It had so many lights on it that I just remember sitting back in my chair and saying “wow!” That's honestly the only part of the movie I can remember seeing 20 years ago and I'll never forget that feeling.