When the basic cable kicked ass...

by Dr.D

16 years ago

This week I was cleaning my basement and happened upon an old VHS with six and a half hours of old Sci-Fi channel programming. It was taped during the old “Godzilla week”. I also remember TNT used to show Toho films during “Monstervision”, and I found myself reminiscing about cable TV in the early to mid-90s. Am I the only one who misses this? I used to love waking up on Saturday morning watching MST3K and old monster movies all day on Sci-Fi. It seems that cable has really lost it.

by gobluemichman

16 years ago

I agree man!!! When Saturday morning cartoons where GOOD!!! and FOX CBS and ABC all had cartoons, now its what just FOX and ABC. I also want my 90's Nick back!!! Shows like Doug, Rugrats, AHH Real Monsters, and stuff like that man!!! that would be great haha, and yes I remember TNT's Monester fest!!! loved it!! They did everything from old monster movies to newer ones, haha great stuff man!!!

by rockstar232007

16 years ago

Basic Cable started sucking in the lat ‘90s, it seems like they did a complete 360 as far as programming, shows that actually had some sort of an intelectual meaning vs. the crappola that’s on today. What really get's me though is, there are 7 diff VH1s, HBOs, and MTVs, and they all show nothing but crap!…except VH1 Classic, so until they (The Cable Networks) wise up and bring back most of the ‘80s era shows, it’s just going to get even worse!(*peter)

by Dr.D

16 years ago

90s Nick was the best. Kenan and Kel and All That! were the shit. I remember every saturday I watched Snick for hours. AMC used to be so much better too. Now their “Monsterfest” is just a month long block of crappy 80's horror. They used to show films like American Werewolf in London, and the old Toho Kaiju (monster in japanese) films like Rodan and War of The Gargantuas.

by JimPhelps

16 years ago

Long Live Joe Bob Briggs and His TNT MONSTERVISION!

i especially loved the allnight Halloween Friday the 13th marathon they did way back when.

by Dr.D

15 years, 12 months ago

Monstervision was great. I'll always remember the promos with the Blue Oyster Cult Godzilla song playing with scenes from the original films.