When will 88 MPH Studios update their site???

by DarkLotus

21 years, 8 months ago

Vorphalack is right…You act like they owe you something and you say they aren't doing anything for us, just in it for the money, but I see YOU here talking/Reading/Hoping just like the rest of us. The Only differnce between US and YOU is were not upset about every little thing that doesn't go our way. TIME is something your just going to have to learn to deal with if your going to interact with people, and most of all companies. Yes WE SHOULD be thankful that we had our voices heard, because like stated above, most companies just bypass the die hard fan base, but not 88. I don't agree with kissing anyones shoes, its a 50/50 thing we help them, we get what we want. However I don't think that they deserve to hop on GBN to see what people think about the comic and their choices only to find little girls who are crying because their upset. DEAL with the fact that “Shit happens, someone has to deal with it, and” you seem to not know WHO TO CALL!

You picked a good name, your opinions are as good as Orko's magic on Eternia. Do us all a favor and stop whining its kinda embarassing.


PS Don't bother replying back to Flame me, I'm thre with the elementary thread and it's undergraduate's opinions.

by brorjace

21 years, 8 months ago

There's certain things to be expected from certain companies, however, we're ghostheads that have been waiting a long time for something good to come forward for us (Extreme Ghostbusters wasn't good so ), and now that something has come forward we're ALL anxious to see what holds in store for us.

I understand the impatientness of the wait on 88MPH's website, however, they're human (I think), and they could have made the simple mistake of forgetting to change which is the “index.htm” file for the site, or have made a massive coding error resulting in the ultimate demise of all the code for their website ^_^ (speaking from experience this has happened )

But anyways, I'm sure they have a good reason behind this downtime, and I think that it's safe to say that we need to give them time, and one of the other members is right (no I can't remember your name but I will edit this later on for it ), we (and by ‘we’ I mean the people whore a whining and complaining) need to lay off their backs for a while, if you want them to spend 80% of their efforst on the site and 20% on the comic and want to wait until 2004 for the release of it fine by me, however, if you want the comic released soon it's better to have the comic in our hands then a website on our screens!

So you all need to lay off this company, as I said before you can't complain about something unless you're taking part in it, I'm just trying to act as a middle man here, I'm frustrated that their website isn't available, but I don't voice that (cept here), I'm anxious for the comic as well as to see a big update on their website, however, I can wait. I have other things to take my time up such as my life (well…ok I don't have one but still one can dream!!).

Anyways, I don't want this to take up another 2/3s of a page so I'll end it here, if I have any other things to yell at you guys about then I'll come back later, however I need to go and buy a cable ^_^

ja ne! (translation: ‘see ya’)

by Rodie

21 years, 8 months ago

Oh God they didn't update their website my world as I know it is going to Hell! What do I do!?!?!?

by Maverick

21 years, 8 months ago

You know, this is the dumbest thread ever. You guys need to grow up, they'll update their site when they're ready to update their site, until then get a life.


by castewar

21 years, 8 months ago

Their updated site design is up now.


by Vorphalack

21 years, 8 months ago

Yeah, funny how that works……a little patience and VOILA the page is updated.

EVERYONE has waited a ridiculously long time for Ghostbusters to get what it deserves. For that reason I have ZERO sympathy for the bitchers and the whiners when it comes to complaining about time.

I've waited….we have waited…..YOU can freaking wait, too.


by DocRyedale

21 years, 8 months ago

OH MY GOSH!!! :0 :O

Everybody go to the Projects area of the site, and click Ghostbusters! Look at what it says:

“The Ghostbusters are back !
June 09, 2003
Peter Venkman, Ray Stantz, Egon Spengler and Winston Zeddemore return this fall in a new comic book series from 88MPH Studios, and they’re bringing along their unlicensed nuclear accelerators, classic 1959 Cadillac and off-beat supporting cast.
Picking up where the first movie left off, the comic seeks to recapture the magic that made Ghostbusters the greatest science fiction comedy of all time, with stories that will excite and entertain while appealing both to newcomers and longtime fans of the franchise.
Beginning with THE ZEDDEMORE FACTOR, the story of Winston’s first night as a Ghostbuster, and continuing in the four part tale LEGION, which pits the guys against an enemy from their distant past, the series will run the gamut from big action and broad comedy, to supernatural horror and heartfelt character pieces.
Check back for further updates on the series and previews of upcoming issues. In the meantime, be sure to download our first Ghostbusters wall-paper.”

I'M SO HAPPY! Look at the 1280 x 1024 Wallpaper. It really does look like Murray, Aykroyd, Ramis, and Hudson! It really does! The only true difference in their Likenesses is just that they look a good several years younger than they did in 1983, and Egon's Glasses. Amazing! :s :d

Vorphalack, I 100% completely agree with You! :s :d

by OrkoIsKing

21 years, 8 months ago

Keen wallpaper.

by d_osborn

21 years, 8 months ago

Vorphalack is totally right…. PREACH THE TRUTH!!!!

by Vorphalack

21 years, 8 months ago

And those images look amazing, btw…..

Damn I can't wait for this.
