When you bought your used car.... ?

by secrecyguy

17 years, 12 months ago

Out of curiosity, (obviously, it's for people who bought used cars before) did you check the blue book value of the car? Did you had the car appraised? Did you do both? Or did you do neither?

If you did a different thing each time you bought your used car, than what did you do on your latest purchase of your used car?

by Mat.

17 years, 12 months ago

checked the milage, engine, test drove it, looked the body over, etc.

by fusi0n1

17 years, 12 months ago

Guess the “blue book value” check must be an american thing :p, we just do roadside inspections.

I only ever bought 1 used car, which was my first. It was a blue Datsun 180b. Took it for a drive, made sure everything worked. (The high beam came on when we indicated right… ) sussed over the engine (my dad did anyway) and that was about it. It was about $750 so we weren't too fussed if it wasn't going to last forever.