Where Can I Find The Marvel Comics Ghostbusters?

by BackInBlack

15 years, 8 months ago

GBFans.com doesn't have them and I want to know if anyone knows where I can look at them?

by Kingpin

15 years, 8 months ago

They've never been fully available online. It wouldn't really be worth putting them online, the story quality was usually pretty bad.

by Spengs85

15 years, 8 months ago

Back In Black;148963
GBFans.com doesn't have them and I want to know if anyone knows where I can look at them?

Well, Issue #21 of the NOW! series actually just recycled three stories from the Marvel UK series, so you can look at that if you want to get an impression of what that book was like.

NOW!'s Slimer! series also recycled material from the Marvel UK comic quite routinely. The stories were so childish and silly they fit right in with the tone of the Slimer! comic. Whether that's a good or bad thing is up to you.

If you're looking for the Marvel UK series in physical form, not just online, then Titan has released 4 digest-sized volumes, though they collect random issues and don't run in sequential order (not that there was much continuity to those stories, anyway). And they stop far from collecting the entire series, as well (they don't even collect the Annual featuring Gozo, the son of Gozer, which is typically the only story from the run I hear people say they enjoyed).