where can you fine GB Collectables?

by Egons_girlfriend24

19 years, 4 months ago

Does anyone know where you can fine GB collectables? If someone posted this in this site sorry. But when I was growing up you couldn't fine any. I have heard about ebay. But I read you have to have a credit card. lol

It would be really nice If I could get one of those Jump Suits and those Proton Packs.

The Ghostbusters looked so good in those suits with those Proton Packs on. I don't know.. It just gave them like “I'm the man” look


by Kingpin

19 years, 4 months ago

Well, there (Should be) is an option to pay without using a credit card.

As for Proton Packs and jumpsuits, most of those are the toys, but the only stuff that looks like the stuff in the movie is the fan made stuff, some of it is poor quality (Others are really superb quality), but can be expenesive if you can't build/make them yourself.